Saturday, November 5, 2011

November Already?!

Wow! I can't believe were already into the first week of November. Before we know it Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here and gone. I am thankful for this time of year because it gives many breaks from school! It gives for crazy hectic days before and after, but the middle is the greatest! Time to catch up, relax, and get my sanity back. This time of year always goes so quickly because it's always jammed full, starting with October. I always want to get Christmas shopping done early and always have good intentions but before I know it time has gotten away from me and then it's like 2 weeks until Christmas. We got a little done last weekend when we went to Branson, but not as much as I had wanted to get accomplished. I really wish I knew what I was having because there was a lot of good deals on baby clothes, and some really cute stuff!!!

Honestly, I have a feeling it's a girl. Not really sure why. Maybe just because that's what I want so bad, but I just have a feeling. So hoping that I am right. Cory on the other hand has no idea. He says it's a crying, snotty baby. I can't wait till we find out and can start calling it by it's name. I think he'll change his thinking a little. We did get Baby Russell a KU outfit while in Branson. I have to admit, it is pretty cute. Some of our friends got us a little KU shirt a couple weeks after we found out we were pregnant. It's for a girl, so I'm hoping they are right!! lol
KU outfit we got Baby Russell

Sweet little shirt from Merlyn and Amy

I just realized that the first thing that was ever bought for our child to wear is Kansas! How sad is that!! Why didn't I marry a Texas fan? My poor child has no chance! Not only will my child be a KU fan, but our dog is a KU fan. It's going to be 1 against 3 in this household.

Abby with her KU shirt and KU collar

I go to the Dr. on Tuesday and will be 15 weeks on Wednesday. The time really is going fast. We should find out what we are having the beginning of December. I was hoping sooner then that but I guess I can wait one more month. I know it will be here before I know it! My sweet friend Courtnee is almost to the end of her pregnancy. Everything has gone really well for her so far and I have been praying she has a really good experience with the delivery. I can't wait to meet sweet little Roman. He's going to be long and lanky. My sister in law has about three months left and things seem to be going good for her too. I really hope her delivery goes better then Kobi's. It wasn't terrible but could have gone much better. I am getting a little niece named Kathryn and I can't wait!! Just one more reason I am hoping we have a girl so they can grow up together. Not that they wouldn't if it was a boy but two girls would be so fun!  

Hopefully on Tuesday we will have another ultrasound so I can show off Baby Russell. Dr. Wright did one last appointment but forgot to give me my pictures. :( Maybe he will do one this time and accidentally see what it is!! hehehehe

Hope your having a great weekend!!  Till next time!

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