Friday, May 31, 2013

My Little Book Worm

12 months

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a very special day now. It was in the past because obviously I have a mother. But now it's special for me. Not because I want to be recognized, actually that never even enters my mind. No, it's because I have an amazing, precious little girl, who calls me momma. I am a mom. Two years ago I didn't know if it would ever happen. I didn't know if I wasn't being patient enough, or if it just wasn't in God's plan for me. I thank Him often for my little miracle baby! She is truly an amazing blessing and gift and truly the best part of my life. She lights up my day when I am sad or grumpy. She makes me laugh and cry tears of joy. I never knew I could love another human being as much as I love this little girl. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to love and take care of my sweet Morgan girl.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

First Birthday Party

Morgan's first birthday was not a good one for me, so we'll skip by all the drama and head straight to the good stuff. Because really who wants to hear me gripe?!
Morgan had pictures that morning with our friend Jay. I was a little nervous about how the day would go because we were doing pictures and a party. She ended up waking up at 5:00 and refused to go back to sleep for an hour. But thankfully the she didn't have any fits for the pictures and didn't cry. She didn't smile but she didn't cry. I would say it was a success.
We were suppose to have Morgan's party outside and the 2 weeks leading up to the big day the forecast was looking like it was going to be wonderful weather. Then the week before it started to go down hill. First it started out with a 10% chance and 75 degrees. I was very hopeful. But as the week dragged on the weather was getting worse and worse. By the time Saturday arrived there was a 100% chance of rain and 60 degree weather. Ok, ok, guess we need a plan b. We called around town to see if anybody had any openings for space for a party, no luck. Reluctantly we asked Cory's aunt if we could have it at her house. I say reluctantly because she always gets stuck with everything at her house. Thankfully she agreed. Wonderful
The theme I ended up choosing for her party was "You Are My Sunshine". It just seemed so fitting, as cliché as it sounds, because she really is our sunshine! She makes all my days bright and sunny. My mom use to sing this song to me and now I sing it to Morgan.

The colors were pink and yellow, which I have always loved together!
A lady in West Plains made her cake and did a beautiful job.
The cake turned out exactly the way I wanted it to, and it was super yummy!
On the menu was chicken salad sandwiches, (from The Bank in Doniphan, yummo!)
deviled eggs, chips, pink popcorn, pink lemonade cupcakes, and pink lemonade.  
I think it was simple and yummy. After we ate, we opened
presents. Morgan loved pulling the paper out of the bags
and actually did a pretty good job opening presents. She got
some fun toys and a lot of money.
I love this picture because we were opening the card
Cory and I got her, which had Minnie Mouse on it. She
loves Mickey and Minnie and was excited to see her!
Cory just had to get her a basketball hoop and I was
happy when we found a pink one. I hope the girl likes
basketball because she doesn't stand a chance in this
house not to.
After opening gifts we let Morgan eat her cake. I had been
singing Happy Birthday to her for a couple of weeks
because I didn't want her to cry when everybody was staring at
her singing to her. She did fine.
She had no problem digging in! She loved squishing it
in her hands and throwing it on the floor to share
with the dogs. I don't know that too much made it into
her mouth, but she sure had fun!
Morgan had a great time and things turned out great.
Love our little girl and can't believe her first birthday has
come and gone. Makes me sad! My little girl is getting too
big too fast!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

12 months

I have dreaded writing this post because it just seals the deal that my little girl is not a baby anymore! We now have a toddler! A toddler! Oh my! Makes me super sad that my little girl is growing up too fast. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. :(

At 12 months Morgan:

weighs 21 pounds and is 31 inches long. She isn't gaining much weight but that it to be expected since she is up and running around all the time.

is finished with baby food. She refuses to eat any of it and I don't say that I blame her. She isn't picky at all and I hope she stays that way. She eats just about everything we do. The only thing she hasn't had is peanut butter. I haven't been brave enough yet. She loves cheese, green vegetables, goldfish, strawberries, and yogurt.

hasn't had a bottle during the day for the past 2 weeks. It just kind of happened. Now to wean her from her night bottles! She still takes a bottle to go to sleep, around 9:00-9:20, then a second bottle anywhere from 12:00-2:30. Finally, a third bottle usually around 5:30-6:30. I believe this is going to be huge ordeal to get rid of. But I am hoping that she will sleep through night once she is weaned.

takes 2 naps during the day. She still plays and plays for at least 45 minutes and sometimes up to two hours. But she will usually fall asleep.

loves to be outside! She will go to the door and try to open it and then look at you like hello! Are you going to take me out or not?! Since it has been warmer we have been going outside and or taking walks in the evening. She loves it!

thinks it's so funny to run from you when you undress her to take a bath or if she can get away from  you when you are changing her diaper. She'll run as fast and she can and laugh like crazy.

gives hugs sometimes and kisses when she feels like it.

has started to "love" on her babies. We tell her to give her baby lovins and she will hold it close and pat it's back. It's super sweet! If you tell her to get her baby she will go straight to it and start loving it.

still loves Abby so much! They are best friends. She likes to share her treats with her, play with her, sit on her, and pet her. She likes to look in Abby's bed first thing in the morning to see if she's in there.

is getting better with people but is still very timid. She doesn't cry as much as she use to, but she still hangs her head and doesn't want to go to them. She does not like for us to leave her and when we are at someone elses house and she realizes we have left the room will start to cry and look for us. We have only recently started taken her to the nursery at church. She cries when we leave her but stops after a couple of minutes.

can follow simple commands like getting something and bringing it to you, or putting toys in the basket. She is really starting to learn what different things are and understanding words.

can stack 2 to 3 blocks consistently and stacked 5 the other day. Super proud mommy moment lol!

is jabbering like crazy, but none of it is understandable. She says momma and dada, but that's about it. She can sign milk, more, and eat.

points to things while trying to get you to look. Also looks at things when you point to it.

walks and runs very good. Crouches down well, and just started walking backwards last week. It's the funniest thing to watch! Looks like she is trying to do the moon walk or something! Too funny!!

gives the best smile just because. She scrunches up her eyes and nose and grins from ear to ear!

opens her mouth wide in surprise/wonderment when she hears different sounds like the train, a dog barking, or a fire truck.

This little girl has truly changed our lives for the better. She is a spunky, stubborn, sweet little girl and I couldn't have asked for a better daughter. I love her more then anything in this world and can't imagine my life with out her.

Morgan 12 months