Monday, November 14, 2011

Teaching After 3 Months and Stroller of My Dreams

Wow, I can't believe it's only been three month since school started. Feels like we have been in school for a lot longer then that. It was very tough in the beginning. First grade is a tough grade anyway, but add being a first year teacher onto it, and it's even worse. First grade is when you teach them everything. You teach them how to read, the fundamentals of writing and math, and are still teaching them how to sit still and be quiet. It's alot. But I am finally getting into the groove of things. Three months ago, even two months ago I honestly hated it. I really asked myself what the heck was I thinking? Why did I ever choose to be a teacher? There are still days when I ask myself that but they are few and far between now. I am still looking forward to next year because I will have a better idea of what I am doing. This year was kind of like teaching in the dark. I am in a whole new world, with people I don't know and no idea what I am doing. Thankfully my teaching partner is very good and has been a lot of help during this transition. She really knows her stuff and has taught me a lot.

I am very grateful for the upcoming breaks and hope they will give me time to rejuvenate and release some stress. I don't think I could go all year wo a break. I definitely need time to get organized, finish some things that have needed my attention and just take some me time.

I found a stroller and car seat that I have been eyeing but wasn't sure about it. It's a little pricey and wasn't really sure if it was worth it. Saturday I saw a women that had the exact stroller I had been looking at. First I saw her in Old Navy, then I saw her in Hobby Lobby. I thought "what the heck, I'm going to ask her how she likes it." She LOVES it! She said it was so easy to fold up, was really sturdy, was easy to steer, and she couldn't be any happier with it. She said one of her friends had gotten another brand, then got this one and loved it. Wished she hadn't wasted her time with the other. Well that's all I needed. I'm hooked. I want it now!! No doubts. I love the colors which will work for either a boy or a girl. It's so cute! So hoping I get it now!!

Chicco Cortina Travel System Stroller in Miro

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