Sunday, December 25, 2016

4 Years Old

I haven't posted in quite sometime. A lot has happened and there have been many changes.

Morgan is a big four year old now. This girl has gotten so big and is so smart. She starts preschool in August and we are both very excited. I am happy to get to take her with me everyday and I'm hoping she does well.

Morgan weighs 33 pounds and is 40 inches tall.

The Terrible Two's (For Real!) and the Not So Terrible Two's

Miss M turned two at the beginning of the summer. She didn't start acting so terrible right away. It took her a couple of months. Well, now that we are almost 4 months into being two, she has decided to debut what people refer to as "The Terrible Twos". Wow is what I have to say about it!! She has thrown fits that I didn't know kids could throw. She likes to throw screaming, kicking fits. The ones where you want to walk away and say that's not MY kid!! She whines and cries a lot, over silly things. Like the fact that Grammy walked out the door after asking over and over for hugs and kisses. Morgan refuses and then starts screaming/crying because Grammy left and she didn't get to give her a hug and kiss!! She doesn't want something until you take it away, then she decides, that yes, as a matter of fact she does want it. Until you give it back. Then, she doesn't want it anymore. Oh my!! Her sleeping right now is TERRIBLE!! I have finally just given up. We have tried so many things and nothing seems to work. She was going to sleep by herself with out crying, just reading books, and is now back to crying/screaming for mommy. I did break her from me laying in the floor while holding her hand through the crib bars and from taking a cup of milk before bed. But is still very much a struggle. But what I feel like I have given up on is the middle of the night. I still never know what she is going to do. Sometimes she will sleep all night, sometimes she will wake up once, and sometimes she will wake up 3 times. I have tried to break her many times, I even stopped giving her milk in the middle of the night. But I needed sleep, she needed sleep and so did my husband. So we decided she would start out in her bed but if she woke up in the middle of the night I would put her in bed with us. She usually goes right back to sleep and would most likely sleep the rest of the night. IF she asked for milk we would give it to her. Of course, now that we have made that decision, when I go to get her in the middle of the night and head to our bed, she starts crying because she wants me to rock her. I can't win for losing. I feel like a complete failure in this area of parenting. I have said it before and I say it again. I have never seen a child hate sleep as much as she does. Now that I have told you how "terrible" she has been acting lately let me tell you how sweet and funny she can be also.
She absolutely melts my heart when she randomly tells me she loves me! Or when I tell her I love her and she says it back to me. She will also say that she is sorry for something, it might not even be her fault, but she will tell you anyway. Sometimes I will say oh I'm sorry and she'll say oh it wasn't you mommy, it was me. I'm sorry. So sweet and so funny! She also says a lot of funny random things.