Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This girl..........

................is into EVERYTHING!!
You turn your back for one minute and she is
either gone, or into something she shouldn't be!
Now that we put baby locks on the cabinets she is not
too happy with us. She will pull and pull and then
whine and look at us like hello?! Too funny!

Lovin' on Daddy

Cory always said he couldn't wait until Morgan could
wrap her arms around his neck and give a big 'ol hug.
Well, were getting close. She use to give kisses all the time
but ever since I taught her how to blow kisses, she has
shied away from giving kisses. She has started to come
up to you and lean in and sometimes put her arms around you.
She loves to love on Abby. It is so sweet to get a
cuddle from this little girl.

Daddy and Morgan
11 months old
Forget giving kisses, I like to blow kisses!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Snow in March?

Yup, we had snow in March. Craziness! But, I was kind of glad we did because we didn't take Morgan out in the first snow we got. Things were crazy and Cory was not home. I wanted him to be home to experience that first with us so I waited, and almost lost my chance.
Morgan really seemed to like it. She just watched it fall from the sky and tried to eat it.



First Easter

Morgans first Easter was spent in Horatio Arkansas visiting
Meme and Papa. Holidays are getting more fun the older Morgan gets.
Meme and Papa had just gotten baby chicks the day
before we came. Morgan was in love.

We were afraid she might try to squeeze them to death or pull their little
heads off, but she didn't. She actually did really well with them.
We had so much fun visiting Meme and Papa. It's always nice to
kick back and take it easy, and that's just what we do at their house.
Spring walks,
and playing in the yard
made our visit even more fun.
We dyed eggs,

the Easter bunny visited Morgan,
and celebrated Jesus rising again with church and
good food!

 We finished the day with an Easter egg hunt.
I'd say Morgan had a pretty good first Easter!


2nd Trip to the Zoo

Morgan's first trip to the zoo was last summer when we went to visit my family. She was only about 2 or 3 months old and was too little to understand or notice anything. The 2nd trip was so much better. We went to visit papaw (Cory's dad) in St. Louis and one day while we were there it was suppose to be a nice 70 degrees and sunny. We had planned on going to Grant's Farm, but thankfully I checked their website to check for prices and saw that they were not open until March. Bummer! So we changed plans and decided on the zoo instead. We were hoping it wouldn't be pointless and that Morgan would actually enjoy it. She loved it! As long as the animals were moving she could see them and would smile from ear to ear. We even got to go in the little Children's Zoo and got to pet goat's. She loved that! It was such a fun day. The weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold. Morgan was really good, even with missing her second nap, and we all enjoyed seeing the animals.


St. Louis Zoo 2013

11 months

At 11 months old Morgan:

weighs 20 pounds.

is walking around, basically running, like crazy. She's done with crawling and can't get where she wants to go fast enough.

cheeses big time! She has started to do this a little bit when I pull the camera out but mainly does it for no reason at all. She just puts on the biggest smile with those cute squinty eyes. It's cuteness overload!

is refusing to take an afternoon nap. I read that toddlers sometimes do this after a year old, so I was very surprised when she started doing this at 10 and 1/2 months. Course the girl has never liked to sleep so should I really be that surprised?! She has also chewed her crib up. When she lays down for a nap she usually plays for about 30 minutes to an hour. The other day we went to check on her and noticed she had some paper in her mouth. We went in to investigate and found that she had eaten the spine of her book, chewed the crib rail till the wood is showing through and chewed paint off on the other rail. Oh my! I don't know what we are going to do with her!

is still waking up between 12:00 and 3:00 to take a bottle and then again between 3:00 and 6:00 for another bottle and goes back to sleep until around 7:00 or 8:00.

is eating less and less baby food, and more and more real food. Use to when she was full she would start to spit her food out. Now she just lets it run down her chin because she thinks it's fun. She does the same thing with her drinks too. How we break this habit, I'm not sure. She still takes a bottle every 4 hours but does not always take the whole thing. For a while she was only taking about 2-3 ounces, but has started back to taking between 4-6.

has started to hit and bite. She's not huge on the biting yet, and hasn't taken a plug out of anyone but I know it's coming.

loves to blow kisses but now she won't give you kisses. :(

signs milk for a bottle and a drink. Has just now started to sign eat when you ask her if she wants to eat. She signs milk all the time.

can drink from a straw and a cup pretty well. The straw better then the cup.

loves Abby to death. She always want to know where she is and loves and loves on her. We have been trying to teach her to not be so rough with Abby. Sometimes she will hit her, pull her ears or pinch her. She's not doing it to be mean, just doesn't understand.

St. Louis Zoo

First Easter