Friday, September 21, 2012

First room

I have been meaning to post about Morgan's first room and have never gotten around to it. I loved her first room and wish I could have packed it up and taken it with us. We didn't paint the rent house we are in right now because we are hoping to only be in it for a year.

There were and are still some touches here
and there that I want to add but I love the
colors I chose! My mom made the bedding
and it turned out so cute. I love the fabric! Besides
the bedding, the letters and pom-poms are
my favorite things. The little rocking chair and the
white blanket over the side of the crib was mine
when I was little, so I think that's neat to have them
in her room. I think the color on the wall is fun and pretty.
I can't wait to get into our own house so I can
paint her room again!

Our Bathing Beauty

Morgan loves bath time now. She likes to get the wash
cloth and suck on it and sometimes gets mad when you
take it away from her. Such a difference from a couple
of months ago!
17 weeks

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trying to teach her..................... love reading. As a teacher, I know how important it is for her to learn to love reading. Not only do I know how important it is, I just want her to love it. I want her to open her world up and be able to take her imagination places she may never be able to go. This is why I read to my 4 1/2 month old nightly.
Morgan 18 weeks old
That and I get to snuggle with my little love bug every night!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Up on All Fours

Morgan has learned how to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. She has been working on getting up on all fours but hadn't really mastered it until the last couple of days. Once she got that down she started rocking back and forth. I think she's a little too young for this, but what do I know?! I know that before I know it she will be crawling and in to everything!! Still can't believe how fast time is going and how big she is getting.

She also has learned that she can squeal! Guess what we get to listen to?! Yup, you guessed it.


A Little Family Time

My brother and his family were going to Arkansas for the weekend so we decided to meet in the middle. The plan was to geocache but it was suppose to rain all day so we ended up shopping and hanging out in Hardy. It ended up not raining at all and we did a little bit of geocaching at the end. The kids were pretty good and we had a great time. I so wish we could see them more often!
Cory, me, Morgan, Kobi, Kathryn, Daniel, and Sarah
Me, mom and Daniel
Grammy and the babies
Morgan-18 weeks, Kathryn-8 months, Kobi-6 yrs old

Friday, September 14, 2012


I don't do good with out sleep. My husband can attest to that! He hates being around me when I don't get sleep. I prayed and prayed when we had a baby it would be a good sleeper because I wasn't quite sure how I would survive. Morgan worked herself up from 1 1/2 hours, to 3 hours, to 5-6 hours, to 7-8 hours and finally 9-10 hours. She slept 9-10 hours for weeks! Probably over a month. My thoughts were "wow! that was easy!" Then we moved, Cory and I started back to work, and my mom started watching Morgan and she quit sleeping. Of course it had to be right when I started back to work and couldn't take a nap during the day. I have asked people for advice, prayed and prayed, and gave up 2 or 3 times. Then, Thursday night she slept 9 hours! Now I had to pat her 3 times and she went back to sleep, but I count that as 9 hours. And last night I only had to pat her once and she slept 9 hours. I have definitely been thanking God, and praying this continues! Love my little girl and I love my sleep.