Saturday, November 26, 2011

So Many Things to Be Thankful For

We have so many things to be thankful for this year.

A new job for Cory
My first teaching job
A new puppy we adore
A cute little house
New friends
Old friends
A new car
Our health
Our salvation

But most of all..........

A sweet little bundle of joy due in May!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Miss My Friend

She wasn't just a friend, she was my best friend. You know, that go to person, the one you talk to about everything, the one that knows everything there is to know about you and still sticks around. That was her. She was amazing. She was so beautiful, fun, and sweet. We helped each other through hard times. We laughed, we cried, we did everything together. That was then. Now, 10 years later she has no room for me in her life. See something happened. It was my fault. It was over a boy and her sister. He sweet talked me and actually a couple of years later we almost got married. To the point that he actually asked me to marry him. I was young and stupid and he was sweet and hot, and a liar. I wish I would have never let him sweet talk me. I wish we would have just stayed friends. I don't think she hates me anymore, and she will say a few words to me if I say something to her but that's about it. I sometimes think about deleting her off of my facebook but I still like to know what's going on with her and her family. I wish the friendship between me and my best friend was never broken. But it was and I still think of her often. I have never found a friend that I was as close to as I was with her. I have my two best friends from Hilltop who are absolutely amazing. We still talk to this day, but we live so far away from each other that it's hard to be so close. They are busy and I am busy and life gets in the way. I just wish I still lived in Austin and could maybe rekindle the friendship and get even closer to my two best friends. I can't believe that after 10 years it still makes me sad. You would think that after this long and I would be over it. I would have moved on. I don't think about it daily, but when she posts something it brings me back and makes me sad again.

Never Say Never

I have always heard "never say never" and have
always tried to not say "I will never............." about my kids.
But just like anyone there are things I hope to do
 or hope not to do. I will still not say that I will never, but that I hope I won't.
I hope..................

to breast feed. But I am not going to say that
I definitely am because I know it will bite
 me in the butt. I have heard both women who loved
it and women who hated it. I am going to try. I
hope it goes well, but we will just have to wait and see.

we don't let the baby sleep with us. Mainly when
it's an infant. I don't care if they come and jump
in the bed with us because they are scared, or
as treat every once in a while. But I really hope
we don't let them sleep with us all the time.

we don't let the baby suck it's thumb. I sucked
my thumb and did until I was about five years
old. I don't mind a pacifier because it can
be taken away. A thumb can not.

we don't let our child throw a fit and then
give in. This is more me then Cory.
Dealing with my nephew Kobi a couple
of times, I wanted to cry and just give in.

I make one meal and that's it. I was
always raised you eat what is fixed,
if not you can go wo it. Sounds harsh,
but I understand why she did it.

I make my own baby food. This sounds
good in theory but not sure it will happen.

we go see our families often. Both sides.
I want our babies to know our families
like we know them. I want them to be
close to their grandmas like we are.

we save up for their college. At least
help as much as we can. Neither one of
our parents were able to help us and it has
not been fun.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Typical Weekend

I wanted to write a post about things we do now, before any babies. So one day when we say, "what did we do before we had kids?" we will remember.

A typical weekend during the school year usually consists of sleeping in Saturday morning till about 8:00, cooking breakfast, and then laying around all day or cleaning house. We are so busy during the week while school is in, that when the weekend comes all we want to do is rest. Sunday we usually go to church, then out to eat. The rest of the day is either spent lounging around or getting some work done.

Cory is not very spontaneous so it's not like us to just take off and go somewhere. There are many times that I would like to, but Cory just ain't having it. Some nights we go visit friends and end up staying until 11:00 or so, but not all the time. And never on a week day. During the week we usually end up going to bed at around 8:00. We may not go straight to sleep but we at least watch tv, and I am usually asleep soon there after. I am not a morning person so I have learned to go to bed early. Cory use to be a night owl, but he says I ruined him. I think having Abby is getting us a little prepared for when the baby comes. Cory gets up with her 2 of 3 times a night to take her out to use the bathroom, I do when I hear her but that's not too often unless she's in the bed with us. When she's in the bed with us, I'm awake like 3 or 4 times at least. Her moving and noises wake me up. So I'm sure I will be the same way with a baby, especially in the beginning.

During holidays we switch back and forth. One year we go see my family for Thanksgiving, and see his family for Christmas. Then the next year we switch. Now that Cory is a head basketball coach, and there are tournaments the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas, we don't get to see my family much. A couple of times I have just gone wo Cory, but he has always said that once we have children I can't do that anymore. I understand his reasoning, but I really want to spend time with my family too.

It's crazy to think that so many things will change in our lives. No more sleeping all night, sleeping in, going whenever we want, and I'm sure a lot of more things that we have no idea about. Our lives are so crazy busy during the school year and I am anxious to see how that changes after the baby comes. I am thinking it will be just as bad, in a good way. I can't imagine ball games with an infant and really hope he or she will do good with it.

I know there are many more things that will change once the baby gets here, both that I know about and things that I don't know about. But I am ready for a change :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

4 Months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 4 months

Size of Baby: approximately 4.6 inches long, 2.8 ounces

Gender: Still don't know, but hoping to know in 3 weeks!!

Maternity Clothes: None yet. I bought a belly
band when we went to Branson which has thankfully
come in handy. I'm in the weird stage where my regular
clothes are getting tight, but maternity clothes are
way too big. I have had comments from people
that I am starting to show, or I'm getting a little belly.

Weight Gain: 5 pounds

Movement: None

Sleep: I have still been sleeping ok. I get up about
2 to 3 times to use the bathroom.

Symptoms: Thankfully the morning sickness has gone
away, but the heartburn is back. It comes and goes. Some
weeks I have none, and the the next week I will have tons.
Still starving ALL the time!!

Cravings: Sub sandwiches and milk

Best Moment of the Month: Realizing that the
morning sickness was gone!! :)

We go back to the dr. in 3 weeks. I will be 19 weeks so
hoping he will let us find out what we are having. He said
at 20 or 21 weeks, so maybe he will. I would really like
to know before Christmas.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Teaching After 3 Months and Stroller of My Dreams

Wow, I can't believe it's only been three month since school started. Feels like we have been in school for a lot longer then that. It was very tough in the beginning. First grade is a tough grade anyway, but add being a first year teacher onto it, and it's even worse. First grade is when you teach them everything. You teach them how to read, the fundamentals of writing and math, and are still teaching them how to sit still and be quiet. It's alot. But I am finally getting into the groove of things. Three months ago, even two months ago I honestly hated it. I really asked myself what the heck was I thinking? Why did I ever choose to be a teacher? There are still days when I ask myself that but they are few and far between now. I am still looking forward to next year because I will have a better idea of what I am doing. This year was kind of like teaching in the dark. I am in a whole new world, with people I don't know and no idea what I am doing. Thankfully my teaching partner is very good and has been a lot of help during this transition. She really knows her stuff and has taught me a lot.

I am very grateful for the upcoming breaks and hope they will give me time to rejuvenate and release some stress. I don't think I could go all year wo a break. I definitely need time to get organized, finish some things that have needed my attention and just take some me time.

I found a stroller and car seat that I have been eyeing but wasn't sure about it. It's a little pricey and wasn't really sure if it was worth it. Saturday I saw a women that had the exact stroller I had been looking at. First I saw her in Old Navy, then I saw her in Hobby Lobby. I thought "what the heck, I'm going to ask her how she likes it." She LOVES it! She said it was so easy to fold up, was really sturdy, was easy to steer, and she couldn't be any happier with it. She said one of her friends had gotten another brand, then got this one and loved it. Wished she hadn't wasted her time with the other. Well that's all I needed. I'm hooked. I want it now!! No doubts. I love the colors which will work for either a boy or a girl. It's so cute! So hoping I get it now!!

Chicco Cortina Travel System Stroller in Miro

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cravings at (almost) 4 months

Spicy BMT from Subway!
 Lettuce, tom, cheddar cheese, mayo,
salt and pepper, and oil and vinegar.

Nothing beats it right now! It really
hits the spot. Yum, yum!!

Things that make me sick or gag:
chicken and rice casserole
saucy burritos
chicken and dumplins
breakfast burritos
brushing my teeth

The morning sickness is gone,
everything just makes me sick.

Wednesday I will be 4 months! Super excited!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Second Trimester!

Today we had another good dr. appointment! He said I had gained 5 pounds since the beginning. Actually 7, but I lost weight in the beginning and he said it equaled out to be 5. I'll take it!! Said if I could keep it to 5 pounds a trimester I would be ok, but that it would get hard in the end. With the way I am starving all the time, I don't know if that will happen. I always said I would be and eat healthy while I was pregnant and not gain 40 plus pounds, but when you are starving ALL the time, and a lot of foods make you sick just thinking about them, you eat what you can. Unfortunately most things healthy do not sound good. Popcorn, cheese, pasta, sandwiches, sound more like it. Thankfully I can throw in some vegetables and a few fruit and be ok. The morning sickness has gone away, but the heartburn is back. I'll take the heartburn over morning sickness any day! Just about anything makes me gag but if I can settle myself down, not think about it and drink some water I am usually ok.

We didn't get to do an ultrasound this time but we did get to hear the heartbeat. It was about 150 which is right where it needs to be. Every once in a while the monitor would make a noise and Dr. Wright said it was the baby kicking. So cool to hear. He measured my uterus and said it was measuring large for almost 4 months, but that it was no big deal. He thinks it is because of my surgery and it may be growing long and skinny instead of round.

He also talked to us about the down syndrome test and the pros and cons of taking it. Said next month would be when we would need to do it, if we were. We have already talked about it and decided we didn't want it done. For one, it is not very accurate and causes uncertainty and secondly even if it did have down syndrome or something else wrong we would not terminate. So we really don't see a need in doing it. From what Dr. Wright said, he pretty much agrees with us.

We go back in 4 weeks, which will be 19 weeks. I am hoping he will let us go ahead and find out what the sex is. It will be a week earlier then what he likes to tell but hopefully one week won't be that big of a deal. I still have a feeling it's a girl, but not sure. Hope I'm right!! :)

Into the second trimester and feeling great!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Abby 5 Months Old

Miss Abby is 5 months old. She now weighs 15 pounds. She is thankfully a pretty good dog. She doesn't bark unless prompted, she hasn't chewed any furniture or anything of importance up yet. She loves all toys given to her and usually tears them apart in a couple of days. She loves all people and all dogs. She doesn't run off but does run from you sometimes. That she is getting better about. She is weird about eating. She use to gobble her food up, but now she waits several hours before eating unless it is soft food. She still does not like to be alone and follows you from room to room. We think she is afraid of the dark and noises that she doesn't know what it is. She loves to bark at the broom and vacuum. She loves to snuggle and wants to sleep in the bed with you. She absolutely loves taking baths and would take one everyday if you would let her. She knows how to sit, lay down, and shake. We are so happy we got her and have really enjoyed having her.

Cory and Abby

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November Already?!

Wow! I can't believe were already into the first week of November. Before we know it Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here and gone. I am thankful for this time of year because it gives many breaks from school! It gives for crazy hectic days before and after, but the middle is the greatest! Time to catch up, relax, and get my sanity back. This time of year always goes so quickly because it's always jammed full, starting with October. I always want to get Christmas shopping done early and always have good intentions but before I know it time has gotten away from me and then it's like 2 weeks until Christmas. We got a little done last weekend when we went to Branson, but not as much as I had wanted to get accomplished. I really wish I knew what I was having because there was a lot of good deals on baby clothes, and some really cute stuff!!!

Honestly, I have a feeling it's a girl. Not really sure why. Maybe just because that's what I want so bad, but I just have a feeling. So hoping that I am right. Cory on the other hand has no idea. He says it's a crying, snotty baby. I can't wait till we find out and can start calling it by it's name. I think he'll change his thinking a little. We did get Baby Russell a KU outfit while in Branson. I have to admit, it is pretty cute. Some of our friends got us a little KU shirt a couple weeks after we found out we were pregnant. It's for a girl, so I'm hoping they are right!! lol
KU outfit we got Baby Russell

Sweet little shirt from Merlyn and Amy

I just realized that the first thing that was ever bought for our child to wear is Kansas! How sad is that!! Why didn't I marry a Texas fan? My poor child has no chance! Not only will my child be a KU fan, but our dog is a KU fan. It's going to be 1 against 3 in this household.

Abby with her KU shirt and KU collar

I go to the Dr. on Tuesday and will be 15 weeks on Wednesday. The time really is going fast. We should find out what we are having the beginning of December. I was hoping sooner then that but I guess I can wait one more month. I know it will be here before I know it! My sweet friend Courtnee is almost to the end of her pregnancy. Everything has gone really well for her so far and I have been praying she has a really good experience with the delivery. I can't wait to meet sweet little Roman. He's going to be long and lanky. My sister in law has about three months left and things seem to be going good for her too. I really hope her delivery goes better then Kobi's. It wasn't terrible but could have gone much better. I am getting a little niece named Kathryn and I can't wait!! Just one more reason I am hoping we have a girl so they can grow up together. Not that they wouldn't if it was a boy but two girls would be so fun!  

Hopefully on Tuesday we will have another ultrasound so I can show off Baby Russell. Dr. Wright did one last appointment but forgot to give me my pictures. :( Maybe he will do one this time and accidentally see what it is!! hehehehe

Hope your having a great weekend!!  Till next time!