Monday, September 26, 2011

I Still Remember

I love my Meme! She is an amazing women and I have always cherished the time we get to spend together. She is so sweet and always has an insightful opinion. She is never quick to judge and takes you just as you are. She keeps you on your toes and brings you back to your roots. I pray that my kids will get to know her and my mother the way I know them. I thank God everyday that they are both in my life. With out them, only heaven knows where I would be.

I say all that to tell this story. I got a letter from Meme today. It was a sweet card and I didn't understand what she was talking about until I opened up what she had printed off for me. It was a post I had written only months ago, a day that I was not having the greatest time. Though it has always been in the back of my mind since I got pregnant, she brought it all the way to the front. She reminded me of the struggles I was having just two months ago. Oh how quickly we forget. God gives us what we want, we are happy, and we forget. We forget to be thankful, we forget the misery, we forget how hard it was. Since day one I had been thanking God for His blessings and for hearing my prayer. But the past couple of weeks I had forgotten. I had forgotten just how blessed I was. How amazing it was that everything is going good with the baby, how I haven't been sick at all, how my husband is ok with the thought, Then Meme kept me on my toes and helped me remember. For that, I am thankful! I want to always remember how hard the struggle was to get pregnant. How sad I was. How much I had to lean on God and my family and friends. How I had to have faith and remember He has a plan. How, when someone else comes along who is struggling like I did, I can help, encourage, and pray for them.

So thank you Meme, for helping me remember!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

2 Months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 2 months

Size of Baby: size of a kideny bean

Gender: Do not know yet, but I'm hoping it's a girl. But
I will be happy with either. Cory is hoping for a boy.

Maternity Clothes: None yet. Haven't even noticed anything
getting tight yet.

Weight Gain: None, I am still losing weight.
Not a ton, just a couple pounds here and there. I know
it's because I am so busy with work and don't have time
to snack all day.

Movement: I do not feel anything yet. The past couple
of days my stomach has been twitching a bunch but no
baby movement yet.

Sleep: I have not been sleeping good at all. I get
up constantly to use the bathroom and have had a
couple of nights where I couldn't fall asleep.

Symptons: Chest tenderness and constipation. No
morning sickness so far. Praying it stays this way.

Cravings: I have always hated orange juice and
now I can't get enough of it. I also craved peanut butter
for a couple of weeks. I crave chocolate milk all the time.
 I love hummus and bought some before I found out I was pregnant.
Now just the thought of if makes me want to puke.

Best Moment of the Month: Getting to see the babies
heart beat! It was so amazing to see and know that
as small as it is right now, it's little heart is pumping away.

I go back to the Dr. October 12th. I am very excited to go
and to start feeling/looking pregnant in a good way.
I hope I am a cute preggers girls, instead of just fat.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1 Month Down..............

.........8 To Go

This is actually five weeks, but I had to
throw a one month photo in there. And
the date was actually September 2, 2011 but
we weren't posting anything or actually telling anyone
at this point.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 5 weeks

Size of Baby: About 1/17 inches, about the
size of the tip of a pen.

Gender: Don't know yet.

Maternity Clothes: No, but I am excited to be
able to wear some.

Weight Gain: I've actually lost 6 pounds. I think
it's because I'm so busy with work and don't have
time to snack all the time.  

Movement: Nope, just feels like I'm about
to cramp but never do.

Sleep: Good for now!

Symptons: Tender chest, major heart burn and I have
never had heart burn, and others that you don't want
to hear about.

Cravings: Nothing yet.

Best Moment of the Month: Seeing two lines
instead of one!! Best moment of my LIFE!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Guess What????

Three tests, one nervous husband, 2 1/2 weeks of waiting,
and a dr visit, confirms it!!

It's been a rough road to get to where
we are now, and it took all I had to keep it in. A lot of our friends and
all of our families know because we just couldn't keep it a secret.
 We didn't want to post anything on fb or on blogger until it was confirmed
and everything looked good.

I am so happy with the Dr. we chose. He is very thorough
and talked with us for about an hour and a half. The first
appointment went great. It was long but worth it. With
all of my history and problems we had so much to discuss. Thankfully
my old Dr. sent my file and Dr. Wright knew a little
about what was going on. He was a little worried about
the chance of twins, since I was on my second
month in a row of 100 mg clomid, and the possibility of a
 tubal pregnancy. But thankfully after an ultrasound he said
 everything looked great. The baby was where it was suppose to be,
growing and looking good. Thankfully it's just one.
 Cory was more then relieved about that, and actually
Dr. Wright and I was too. Twins would have put a lot of pressure on
my uterus where the surgery was. I don't know that
I would have wanted twins anyway.

We got to see the babies heart beat, which was amazing!! I am due
May 4th, but he will take me about a week sooner since I have to
have a c-section. I wasn't too happy to hear that, but I
knew it was coming. I am so glad that everything looks good.
I feel much better now that he confirmed that I was pregnant
and that things were going good.

I was beginning to wonder if this day would ever come.
Thanking God daily for hearing my prayer!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Poison Ivy..........Not so fun!!

So while I am helping my husband move some brush to a burn pile, or maybe it was when we went to the river, not sure which one,  I got poison ivy in the process. I wasn't really alarmed at first, but then again I couldn't remember having it before either. My mom said I had never had it, maybe she's right. So it started out as a couple of spots on my arm, and quickly turned into a full blown poison ivy rash. I have never been so miserable in my life. Ok, maybe a couple of others times, but can't think of any at this moment. It kept spreading on my arm, then up my arm. Red, itchy, and eventually sores. I tried rubbing alcohol, calamine, a friend's poison ivy med from a dr, nothing. Then I ended up with some more spots on both my legs. Terrified at this point that it was going to get EVERYWHERE, I called to get a shot. The clinic in town would not see me (for specific reasons) so I called a dr in Houston who called me in some pills. Thank goodness, because I don't know that I could have handled more cream. I was completely miserable by this point.

I have taken two days of pills, no more itching, and Cory says it looks like it is healing up. I am one happy girl! My first and hopefully last episode of poison ivy was terrible. I pray I never get it again. Terrible! Not fun at all!! I am definitely ready for this huge red blotch to go away on my arm. People freak when they see it and my kids have noticed it and I'm sure they have gone home and told their parents. I explained to them that it was poison ivy so hopefully the kids remember to mention that when they tell their parents that their teacher has a big, huge, red sore on her arm!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Sorry I have been mia for about a week or two. Things get crazy and then I don't have time to breath. Tomorrow, I have nothing before or after school, so I'm hoping to get another post in. Check back to see if it really happens.

Over Labor Day weekend, Cory and I were just gonna stay home and chill. Well we did but we also chilled at the river with some friends of ours. Cory wasn't too thrilled to go at first, but once I talked him into going and we were there we both had a lot of fun. It was a little chilly at first, but once the sun came out it was quite nice.

We sat by the river and talked,

grilled hot dogs, made smores,

 and watched the dogs and Lys play in the water.

It was so fun to watch Abby play in water for the first time.
She loved it! Wasn't too crazy about getting too deep when
 she couldn't reach, but in the shallow she had a ball!! 

We are so glad our friends invited us to come and
play instead of being stuck in the house all day. It was
a beautiful day and we had so much fun with really
good friends!!