Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Morgan's Big Day...................hopefully!

I had another Dr appt last Tuesday. Everything went great!! We got to do another ultrasound to try and get a 3D picture but poor Morgan is so cramped and wouldn't cooperate that we didn't get any good shots. We did get to see pieces here and there of her face and I think she is going to be such a cutie! You know, cause I'm not bias or anything! ;) She looks like she has chunky little cheeks and a smashed nose but I was told the smashed nose is probably just the fluid among other things making her look like that. She also had her hands up by her face again so that didn't help either. And her feet up by her face!! Looked like it hurt to me. We got to see her blink her eyes, which was super cool! We also got a good picture of her foot, two hands, ear, and the lady said she could see hair, even though I never saw that. Ha! Reminded me of Friends when Rachel can't see the baby at all on the monitor!! lol!! Anyway, the lady didn't do any measurements or anything else but I wish I would have asked her to try and figure out about how much she weighed but I didn't even think about it

Then we went in to see Dr. Wright and everything went well with him also. He measured me and said that I was measuring at 35 weeks, but that he still wasn't worried about it. He still thinks my uterus is growing long instead of round. Still hoping he's right. He checked her heartbeat and said it was running in the 130's to 140's which was good. Then he asked me when we wanted to have her!!! I couldn't believe it! I figured we wouldn't schedule the c-section until another couple of weeks. We picked April 27th! Now I know things can change, she could come early, there could be complications, etc. But I'm really hoping it happens on the day we picked! Morgan is named after my Grandpa Morgan and his birthday is April 27th, so it would be really special if that was her birthday too. Keeping our fingers crossed!!

Her room is just about finished and I am getting very anxious for it to be completed. I still need to get some nick knacky things to go on some shelves but can't really find what I am looking for. As soon as her room is complete I will post picts. I love the color and I am really loving the way it is turning out. Maybe getting a little bit too much pink so that is something else I am working on.

We have our second shower tomorrow after school with the teachers. I am super excited and can't wait to get it all home and look at it. I still love to go in her room and look at her stuff. We had our maternity pictures last weekend and they look so good!! Jay did such an amazing job and I am having a hard time choosing which ones I want!

I better go, this chick is starving! Have a great night!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Morgan's AR Shower

We had our first shower this past weekend and it was wonderful.
 I was truly blessed by the amount of friends and family that showed up to
shower Miss Morgan with lots of sweet little gifts. Cory's two
 aunts, Tina and Melissa, did the shower for us. They always do such
a good job and this shower was no exception. There was lots of good
food and a sweet little center piece. I meant to get a picture of the
 table with the food and cupcakes but some how amidst
 the craziness I forgot until it was too late.

Morgan got so many cute gifts! So many sweet little outfits that I can't wait to
dress her up in. Blankets, bibs, shoes, and more.

And I had lots of little helpers! They all wanted to help
give me a gift and they wanted their gift opened first!
It was too funny and sweet!

It was also so fun to get to see friends that I hadn't gotten to see in a while.
My besties from Doniphan got to come who are so special to me
because they were there for me during the hard couple of years we tried to
get pregnant. They let me cry on their shoulders and encouraged me
when I was down. They will always hold a special place in my heart.

Courtnee and I were pregnant at the same time for a little
bit and at her baby shower we did a side by side picture. I knew
when it was my turn for a shower we had to get one of us both with
baby Roman. He's such a little cutie and was so good during the shower.

I was so happy my mom was in town and was able to go to the
shower with me. It was nice to have some of my family there and very
special that she got to come. She is one very excited Grammy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

8 months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Size of Baby: Approx 3 and 1/2 pounds and 16 inches long

Gender: Girl!!!!! Morgan Amory

Maternity Clothes: Yes, Maternity pants, and shirts. I can
still wear some of my regular shirts but a lot of them are
getting too tight. I'm on the last couple of weeks of my
t-shirts. Most are getting too tight.

Weight Gain:21 pounds

Movement: She moves all the time, and has started to
move up into my ribs. She lays mainly on the left side
and rolled across my belly for the first time today.

Symptoms: Heartburn, leg cramps at night, waking up
3 to 4 times most nights to use the bathroom, the need
to use the bathroom constantly, out of breath easily,
feel like I can't breath, and just being uncomfortable.

Cravings: Still milk, not much else. I get halfway
through a meal and either I'm not hungry anymore
or it's about to make me sick.

Best Moment of the Month: Getting her room almost finished!