Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Second Trimester!

Today we had another good dr. appointment! He said I had gained 5 pounds since the beginning. Actually 7, but I lost weight in the beginning and he said it equaled out to be 5. I'll take it!! Said if I could keep it to 5 pounds a trimester I would be ok, but that it would get hard in the end. With the way I am starving all the time, I don't know if that will happen. I always said I would be and eat healthy while I was pregnant and not gain 40 plus pounds, but when you are starving ALL the time, and a lot of foods make you sick just thinking about them, you eat what you can. Unfortunately most things healthy do not sound good. Popcorn, cheese, pasta, sandwiches, sound more like it. Thankfully I can throw in some vegetables and a few fruit and be ok. The morning sickness has gone away, but the heartburn is back. I'll take the heartburn over morning sickness any day! Just about anything makes me gag but if I can settle myself down, not think about it and drink some water I am usually ok.

We didn't get to do an ultrasound this time but we did get to hear the heartbeat. It was about 150 which is right where it needs to be. Every once in a while the monitor would make a noise and Dr. Wright said it was the baby kicking. So cool to hear. He measured my uterus and said it was measuring large for almost 4 months, but that it was no big deal. He thinks it is because of my surgery and it may be growing long and skinny instead of round.

He also talked to us about the down syndrome test and the pros and cons of taking it. Said next month would be when we would need to do it, if we were. We have already talked about it and decided we didn't want it done. For one, it is not very accurate and causes uncertainty and secondly even if it did have down syndrome or something else wrong we would not terminate. So we really don't see a need in doing it. From what Dr. Wright said, he pretty much agrees with us.

We go back in 4 weeks, which will be 19 weeks. I am hoping he will let us go ahead and find out what the sex is. It will be a week earlier then what he likes to tell but hopefully one week won't be that big of a deal. I still have a feeling it's a girl, but not sure. Hope I'm right!! :)

Into the second trimester and feeling great!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

don't worry too much about weight gain. i ended up gaining about 25 with each kiddo and everything was peachy. i KNOW i wasn't eating as healthy, either. barfing every time i ate chicken or saucy stuff sucked!
i agree with the ds test. not needed. you should be able to find out at 19 weeks for sure. can't wait to hear the news!