Sunday, September 29, 2013

17 months

17 months already!! My baby girl is growing into a big girl. Makes me super sad.

-The last time I took her to the doctor she weighed 23 pounds. I have weighed a couple of times since then and it has still been 23 pounds. She's up 2 pounds from the 21 she was at forever.
-She is wearing 12 and 18 month clothing. A lot of the 18 month is still too big, especially pants. She is going to be short like her daddy.
-In shoes she is wearing a size 5.
-Diapers is still a size 3 and doesn't look like they are even beginning to be too small.
-She now has 10 teeth, with 2 on the bottom trying to come in. The one on the left is swollen so bad and has been. I have never seen a tooth this swollen and seems like it is taking forever to come in. I feel so bad for her because she tried to cut 4 at one time.

August 2013

-Morgan is back to not eating very well. She says she wants to eat but when you give her food she eats just a couple of bites and is done. Oh well, I know she will eat when she's hungry. 
-She is still funny about eating. One day, or meal, she may eat something and then may not want it the next time. Crazy girl. 
-Some of her favorite foods include green vegetables, especially squash, spinach, and green beans. She also likes cheese, yogurt, bananas, apples, watermelon, peaches, grapes, eggs, mashed potatoes, pasta, and spaghetti.
-For snack she likes to eat penguin cheese crackers, cheerios, raisins, crackers, fruit, and lots more.
-She still loves milk, juice and cold water.
- She has been eating at the table with us for about 2 months now. We now give her a plate and most of the time give her either a spoon or fork. She is getting better and better at using them.  

August 2013

- Her sleeping patterns are back to being super crazy. I think this is because she is trying to cut those two stinkin teeth. She was doing really, really well and sleeping all night. Not so much for the past 3 weeks. I am exhausted. I know she can sleep all night, and I know she can go back to sleep by herself, therefore I struggle so much with what to do with her at night. I am also easily persuaded, which aggravates the heck out of me. It's hard to know if I should leave her and let her cry or go and get her. I am so very ready for these teeth to come through and hopefully she will get back to sleeping better. 
- We have transitioned her to one nap a day. I did this because she was doing great with her first nap, but wasn't always taking the second nap. She got to where she would just play, or lay in there for hours. So I thought it was time to go to one nap. Thankfully she has been sleeping about two to two and half hours and I am hoping she keeps that up. 
-The girl still hates to sleep. Poor thing.
- Her nightly routine; bath at 8:30, then lotioned, brush teeth, medicine, and daddy gets her milk. We both take her to her bed, daddy turns the music on, I rock her. She gives him a kiss and he gives her milk to her, he then kisses her and then me. He turns the lamp off and she leans up for another kiss. This is exactly how is goes every single night. So funny!
- She loves to snuggle with her pink blanket. When I lay her down, she makes me give her every baby that is in the crib with her, that includes my pink bear, 2 mini cabbage patch kids, rabbit, first baby, and Minnie Mouse. Crazy girl! She also wants me to cover her up. Most of the time she goes straight to sleep. 

August 2013

- Morgan does pretty well playing by herself, most of the time. She likes to play with her puzzles and for the most part can put the pieces where they go. Still working on getting them turned around and put in. She also likes to play with big legos.
- She is getting more and more interested in her babies. When we ask her if she wants to take one with her when we go somewhere, she almost always says yes. She loves to "love" on them by giving them kisses and hugs, and then wants you to do the same thing. 
- She still loves books! She likes to be read to and will also sit and look through them herself. She still enjoys pulling 15 or 20 books off the shelf, but I try not to get on to her because I don't want her to have negative thoughts about books. Just trying to teach her how to use books. 
- She LOVES to play outside and gets mad at you when you don't take her out with you. She really enjoys the sandbox, moon dough, dirt, balls, and her car. She loves to watch any animals she sees. 
- She still really enjoys playing with Abby and they sometimes get a little rough with each other. 
- One of her favorite games right now is to hide her face with her hands and you ask "where's Morgan"? 
- She loves to be scared and will laugh and laugh!
- She loves to sing and listening to music. One of her favorite songs is If All the Raindrops were Lemon Drops and No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Every time I sing You Are My Sunshine or Jesus Loves Me, she cries. Not sure why. 
- Her new thing lately is to play her baby apps on my phone. She knows how to tap the screen to get it to do what she wants, and will whine at me to give my phone to her. 
- She loves to go to the park and has recently started going down small slides by herself. 
- She plays well with other kids. When we take her to the nursery at church, they always tell us how sweet she is the other children. She will pat their backs, give them hugs and try to kiss them. I hope this sweet disposition continues. 
- She loves to dance and clap her hands. 

August 2013

- She is jabbering like crazy and tries to repeat anything you ask her to. Things that she can say that are very clear are yes, no (she says not instead of no), momma, dadda, up, and down. Things she can say somewhat clearly are nigh nigh (night, night), Abba (Abby), bubba's (bubbles) and ba ba (bye, bye). Things she tries to say but are no where even close include please, Grammy, thank you, cup, what's that and bath.
- She is all about watching TV now, which I do not like. Anytime you ask if she wants to watch Mickey or Doc, she ALWAYS says yes. She is even starting to get upset when you turn if off. I do not like this because I do not want her watching it all the time. I want her to know how to play and not be reliant on having it on all the time. She likes to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins mainly. 
- She accidentally called someone for the first time the other day with my phone. Thankfully, it was Cory's dad and not someone I rarely talk to. 
- She always notices babies and young children when we are out, and wants to wave to them. 
- She has just recently started saying hi when she waves to people. In the past, she would wave and not say anything at all, but then get upset when they wouldn't notice her. 
- She still acts shy around people she doesn't know, but usually warms up quickly. 
- She can give some of the silliest looks. Her little frown is the funniest thing. 

First time eating at the table like a big girl.
August 2013

This little girl is getting way too big, way too fast! I miss her so much while I am away at work but am so thankful she is at home with my mom. I am sad that things are going so fast, but I am also looking forward to the upcoming holidays. It will be fun to do more things that we couldn't really do last year because she was too little. Love my girl and am so thankful she is in my life!!