Monday, January 31, 2011

Praise God!!

God is so amazing and today He showed Cory and I just how amazing and how much He cares for us.
Many of you know I had surgery this summer to remove a very large tumor from my uterus. I had to stay in the hospital for two days. All of the bills ended up being over $20,000!! We have always wondered if insurance was really worth it. After this surgery we are believers! Obviously insurance paid a descent amount but when you have a bill like that you usually end up paying a considerable amount. Things have been very tight around here lately since I did not get a teaching job. The aide position I have is less then half what I would make if I were a teacher. So all of the hospital bills, school bills, and everyday bills is about to put us ten feet under. Or that's the way it feels.......................
About 5 months ago Cory called the hospital to tell them there was no way we could pay the payments they were expecting out of us. The lady told Cory that she would mail us some papers, fill them out, send them back, and good luck. Needless to say we weren't expecting much if anything! So Cory did as he was told, hoping for the best. First off, one of the papers was not signed so we had to do the whole thing over again. They wouldn't let us sign it and return it. NO, we had to send ALL of it AGAIN! So we did. About 2 months later we got the letter in the mail. Not excited to open it, but we did. OMG! They took over half of it off!! Amazing! Cory decided that since they took it off the hospital bill maybe they would take it off the doctor bill too. Hey it didn't hurt to try!
Well it worked! God showed His mightiness! We got the letter Saturday! "You have been accepted"!!! You have to call the office to find out how much they will take off. Again we expected it to not be a very big amount. Cory called this morning. The bill was $1,200, they are taking $800 off!!!! We will have both bills paid off in 4 months! Amazing is all I can say! He is absolutely amazing!
This is probably a small thing to some people, but it is a huge help to us!! I praise God for His daily blessings, both big and small, the ones we notice and the ones we don't. Thank you God for loving me, who is a sinner and undeserving!


Brynn said...

that's incredible! how wondrous answered prayers are! what relief you must be feeling. can i ask about the tumor you had removed? simply curious, so if you don't want to talk about it i totally understand.

p.s., nice blog template :-) did you have it before you visited my blog? if so, that's too funny that we chose the same one. leelou has great stuff! you should check out shabby blogs.

Unknown said...

hahaha, I had it before you did, but whose counting! :) Yes, I really like shabby blogs too, super cute!!

Annie Shaw said...

Small things are the most awesome God things, in my book. It is in the small things that you can see Him the most...if you are looking. Glad you were!