Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Top 11 in 2011

As 2011 draws to an end I thought I would blog about our top 11 things we are thankful for this year. We were both in a hard time in our life last year and the beginning of 2011. Thankfully we kept our faith in God and He brought us through. After the school year ended things started to look up. I want to always remember to be thankful and remember the many blessings that God so graciously gives us.

# 11 We sold my junk car and bought a new dependable one. We were more than thankful to get rid of my escape. It was falling apart and not dependable. That was always very frustrating and scary. We got a great deal on a Dodge Journey.

#10 We celebrated our 6th year wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 6 years already! (I know I say that every year, but it's amazing to me how fast time flies) During our anniversary we went to visit my grandparents and mom in Horatio, AR. It wasn't really a celebration of any type but it was nice to be with family and enjoy their company.

#9 Cory got a new coaching job at Summersville High School. He is the head boys basketball coach, athletic director, and the high school PE teacher. We are so thankful for the move and happy to be in a place that the boys have good attitudes and a heart to play ball. It makes such a difference and he is very happy so far with his new job.

#8 I got my first teaching job at Summersville Elementary. I am one of the two first grade teachers and the Jr. high and high school cheerleading coach. There has been both good and bad times so far but I know a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am a first year teacher. I have enjoyed my first year of teaching but I am looking forward to next year when I have better knowledge and confidence.

#7 We were ecstatic to celebrate my mom's one year anniversary of her kidney transplant. Through out the year every week and month was a milestone to one year of everything going exactly the way it should. She ended up having no big ordeals and everything seems to be going very well! 

#6 Cory surprised me for my birthday with a sweet Boston Terrier, Abby. We love her to death and are so in love with her. I always thought people were ridiculous when they acted like their dog was their child, I now understand. She is the sweetest, cutest, stinker ever. We absolutely adore her!

#5 We found out we are expecting our first child! It was such a surprise after trying for 2 years. This is what I am most thankful for and can not wait for the arrival of baby Russell in late April!

#4 Finding out the gender of our baby- it's a girl! And seeing her move like crazy on the ultrasound screen. We are so thankful that Morgan seems to be doing great, growing like she should be and the pregnancy is going pretty good. We have had no concerns or scares so far.

#3 We have made two very close friends since we moved to Summersville and know that they have become life long important people in our lives. They are truly amazing people and we are so thankful they are here for us no matter what.

#2 My mom graduated from college. It only took her 30 plus years, but it's better late then never! Almost all of the family made it and we were very proud to sit in the crowd and watch her walk across that stage! Way to go mom!!

#1 Most of all I am thankful for my amazing husband! I truly have a great man who loves and adores me. He is a great provider, he helps out daily with the house, cooking, etc. He has great character and is a good Christian man. I can not wait to see him as a daddy to our baby girl. I know right now he is scared but I know he will do an amazing job!!

As 2011 draws to a close we reflect on the many blessings God has given us. We are thankful for His love and look forward to seeing what He has in store for us in 2012!

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