Saturday, December 3, 2011

Baby Dr. Appointment

Well I am 18 weeks and can't believe I am almost half way there. 20 weeks is just around the corner. Crazy how fast things go. I went this past Wednesday for another appointment. It was suppose to be next Wednesday but my appointments are all messed up. You see, Dr. Wright schedules all your appointments the first time you go. Well no one at the office ever told us that, and every time we went in we just scheduled the next one. Mainly because Cory is a coach and we are right in the middle of basketball season and he never knows when he will be free. Then it doesn't help that I am the cheerleading coach and we are both teachers. All you teachers are probably saying "enough said"!!!! The last time we went it had to be pushed to 4 weeks instead of 3 because we had a bball tournament and it was Thanksgiving. This time was suppose to be pushed to 4 weeks also because of another tournament. I wasn't sure if he was going to let us find out the gender this next week and all the teachers at school said I better call because he takes like an hour when he does it. So I called. It took me about 2 weeks to finally get ahold of his nurse because of Thanksgiving, etc. I finally did and explained to her what was going on and that if we didn't find out this time it would be after Christmas before we found out, and I did NOT want to wait another 3 to 4 weeks. She said she understood and we got an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday at 3:00. I am sooooo excited and can't believe that in less then a week we will find out what we are having!! I still have a feeling it's a girl but I'm sure since I want one so bad it will be a boy.

The appointment Wednesday went well. Since it was rescheduled at the last minute I had to go by myself. I was ok with that because I knew he wasn't going to do much. He asked me a few questions, how I was feeling, etc. Then measured me and said I was still a little big for my due date but that he still wasn't worried about it. My uterus measured 21 cm and I was told (not by Dr. Wright) that however big it measures goes along with how many weeks you are. I am 18 weeks but I am measuring 21 weeks. He has said he thinks that maybe my uterus is growing long and skinny instead of round, due to my surgery. I am hoping that there is nothing wrong and that on Thursday when she does the ultrasound she will measure the whole uterus and tell us that Dr. Wright it right. I have gained a total of 10 pounds in a little over 4 months. He said he figures I will gain about 25 pounds in total. I really hope he is wrong and I am so glad that the starving ALL the time is better. We listened to the heartbeat and it was running 150. It sounded so fast and strong. That was about it. I was in there for about 15 minutes and that was it. I was so happy things are still going good and super excited for next Thursday to come!!

I can't wait to find out what we are having so we can do our registry and buy things. I have been looking online for the bedding but I just can't seem to find something that I just love. I already know if it's a boy we are doing the room in Kansas Jayahwk stuff (unfortunately I was not thinking a couple of years ago and promised to Cory that if we had a boy we could do the room in KU. What was I thinking????) But if it's a girl I can't make my mind up on what colors I want to do. I have always said I would do brown and pink, but I am really loving either blue and pink, or green and pink, but I can't find a bedding set that isn't ugly or way too expensive. I guess I'll keep looking. Good thing I still have 5 months to find something. We do have our crib we just have to go get it. I can't wait to pick it up and make my husband put it together. He won't be thrilled about that but oh well.

Can't wait to post what we are having! Stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

its ok..look for things that you LOVE even if they are expensive because you can register for it and people like to go in on big things for showers. Especially because people know how long you have been trying. Just find the things you love. If you don't get them at showers then you can settle for something else. I say boy, only because everyone i know who is prego right now are having boys, also then I'll be surprised if its a girl :) I secretly think girl by your cravings and heartbeats!!