Saturday, December 24, 2011

An Arkansas Christmas

Since we all went to Meme's for mom's graduation we decided to
go ahead and have our Christmas while we were all there. It was
a little hectic because everyone arrived on Friday night and had to leave
Sunday. Saturday was packed to the brim with graduation,

Christmas dinner,

and opening presents.

 It wasn't fun to pack it all in, but
I'm glad we got see each other and have some sort of a
Christmas. Hopefully next year it will be for longer and we
will actually get to enjoy our time together instead of cramming
it all into one day. Unfortunately Brian, Annie, and the kids
didn't get to come and neither did Amanda Shaw, Sarah or Cory but
the rest of the family was there and we had a great time. It's always
nice to get to be together as a family and I wish it could and would
happen more often.

This was the the first time most of us had gotten to meet baby
Kayden and he was such a cutie and such a good baby.

 I'm really
hoping next year we will get to all be together because we will
have two new little ones and all together have 7 young ones
running around the house. I have always thought Christmas
was so much more fun when there were little ones around.

Every year it's mine and Kobi's tradition to make Christmas
cookies. So while we were there I thought why not throw
that into the mix too. I wanted the grandma's to come and help
him but mom was busy and Meme had no interest at all. Kobi
finally talked Granny Jan into it but I think she thought it was more
of a hassle then anything. As they were mixing the dough Kobi
got into the silver sprinkles and dumped the whole bottle into
the bowl. That was really fun to fix.

Then the dough was sticking
to the table when Granny Jan was rolling and cutting and
she decided to make them super thick.

Needless to say by the time Kobi and Granny Jan were done,
the cookies were not edible. Just another thing I would like
all the grand kids to get to do together next year.

Hoping next year we can all be together!

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