Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yummy to My Tummy

(We actually started Morgan on baby food just before 3 months old, but I wanted to get the pictures on here even though she is now 4 months.)
The very first time we tried giving her cereal she screamed her head off. But I think she was super tired and starving, not the best time to start something new. The next time we tried baby food instead of cereal and she cried at first but soon stopped. Once she realized that something was going into her mouth and it tasted good she was hooked. It was so funny to watch her because she would try to suck it off the spoon and made a big mess. She is doing better and better with eating and has started noticing when we eat. She just sits there and watches and I know she is trying to figure out what we are doing. I don't think it will take her long to start wanting what we have.
11 weeks old

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