Monday, August 27, 2012

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Guess whose rolling??!! Yup, Miss Morgan has gotten rolling over mastered. She rolled over from her back to her belly when she was about 2 months old, but had never done it again. She has been rolling over from her belly to her back for about a month or two and the past couple of weeks has really started rolling from her back to her belly. At first she would get rolled over and get her arm stuck under her and get so mad, but since she has really been working on it lately she has it mastered now. Every time you put her on her back, she immediately rolls over. She hates to be on her back and is starting to really enjoy being on her belly. It's so amazing that just a week or two ago she had to work and work to get rolled over. Now she can roll over in about 2 seconds.

Sweet baby girl rolling over at 4 months old

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