Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm Ready...............

for it to be my turn. I'm ready to pee on a stick and get two pink lines instead of one, and have the experience of telling my husband and seeing how he reacts. (really I have no idea how he will react since he's never been "excited" to have a baby) and telling our families. I have always wanted to surprise them in some special way. I'm ready to have a growing belly and the glow of pregnancy, and people excited for me. I'm ready to hear for the first time the heart beat, find out what it is, and register for all those sweet little things. I'm ready to have morning sickness, swollen ankles, and heart burn. I'm ready to have a c-section and experience that first little cry with my husband and see his reaction to a sweet bundle of joy. I'm ready for friends and family to visit at the hospital and tons of pictures. I'm ready for sleepless nights, screaming fits, and dirty diapers. I'm ready to join the "yes, we have kids, lets schedule a play date" club. I'm ready to fit in with this club and not be left out because we don't have kids. I'm ready to join the club of motherhood, to understand what all those mothers are talking about and be aloud to have an opinion because "yes I do understand". I'm ready to throw birthday parties, make fun crafts, and enjoy things you just don't enjoy as much as if you had kids. I'm ready. 

 I'm sure one day I will look back at my time of not being a mother and wish for a full night of undisturbed sleep, time to myself, and not having to carry a diaper bag around. I'm sure I will question at some point in motherhood my choice to become a mother because my kids are screaming, have dirty diapers and the hubs is at work leaving me to tend for myself.

 But for now, I'm ready.

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