Monday, February 28, 2011

Update on Pregnancy

Well that's what the title SHOULD say, but it is actually update on INfertility! You got excited didn't you?! I took the Provera as instructed by my Dr. Take 10 pills, you should get your period 3 to 7 days after the last pill, then start on your 4th round of clomid. Well, I'm on day 8 of the last Provera pill and still no period. Grrrrr What the heck is going on?! I called my Dr but haven't gotten a reply yet. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting. Sunday I was a little down. I had gotten over not having the surgery this month and was on to hoping for results this time from the Provera and Clomid. But I can't take the Clomid wo the period. So I guess it was because I just feel like we have no idea what is going on or why I have not started. There is no reason for this. I should be fine now. But I'm a little better today. Praying my Dr will call soon and tell me we are going to do the surgery! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Tomorrow is March! Yay! You have no idea how excited we are. Jobs are already starting to pop up and now that tomorrow is March even more will start to show up. Sooooo excited! For the next month (or months) our lives will be full of filling out applications, sending resumes, interviews, waiting to hear back, disappointments, sending more resumes, questioning, more interviews, wondering, and hopefully will end in excitement. I pray daily that God will show is where He wants us and we don't push for where WE want to go. I know God has big plans for us and now I am ready to know what they are. Please pray for us while we hopefully find our next jobs!

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