Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Love the Weekends

So I finally fixed my blog. Here's the kicker, I have NOOOOOO idea how I did it. For real! And I'm sure that the next time I do it, it will happen again! Grrrrr! Oh well
Great weekend. I had Thursday night and Friday night to myself, which was a nice change. Cory was out of town and I had the house to myself. It was nice to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Doesn't that sound selfish? I cleaned a little and did a little scrapbooking. Went to bed early and couldn't go to sleep for all the noises. Really I heard them, I think. Saturday we celebrated my mother-in-laws birthday at Olive Garden. Yummo!!! Tomorrow morning we head back to Doniphan for church in the morning. Then going home to relax and maybe throw in some more scrapbooking. Maybe.

This week I found out a few things about some people that I thought were my friends. People who were nice to my face and then talking about me behind my back. I really thought that when I graduated from high school all the girl drama would be gone. Boy was I wrong. If you have women around, theres going to be drama at some point. I think some people have to be the center of attention, have to complain, and or like to stir up crap. Sad, so sad. My cousin once told me that he pastor had preached about your box. Staying in your box. (well something like that) When someone does you wrong, they are sinning. But when someone does you wrong and then you do something wrong back to them, then you are sinning too. I'm trying to stay in my box. It's so tempting to call these people out. These people who think I don't know what they have said about me. I know! It's so tempting to turn around and give them what they deserve. But you know what? I'm going to stay in my box, and keep my mouth shut. (which is very hard for me!) It doesn't matter. They are obviously not true friends and why would I want someone like that in my life?

It's about to be the last week of February! Yay! March could not get here any faster! Three months of school left and jobs will be posted early to mid March! Have you ever noticed how much I like exclamation points? I mean really, how many exclamation points can you use in one paragraph? hehehehe And how random I am?

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