Monday, February 21, 2011

Learning to Coupon..............

or trying to anyway. My cousin (I'm not naming any names, Annie) was suppose to teach me. But it seems like every time we are together we find something more fun to do. So I guess it's not just her fault. One of the teachers at the school I work at is doing coupon classes every Wednesday. We have had two so far and I am thoroughly confused. There's so much to remember and just when I think I have it down I forget again. Plus it doesn't help that we live forty five minutes away from Kroger and Walgreens. When your broke and it takes $60 to fill your car up it's not easy to just run to town. But I still want to learn and I am hoping that where ever we move to next is in a descent size town that has stores I can coupon in. This is my prayer! Hey don't hate, I'm from Austin, TX. The small town life just isn't my thing.

I am an avid scrapbooker! I love it! It is my favorite hobby and I love to scrapbook both by myself and with friends. Right now most of my pages are filled with my sweet little nephew. Cory sometimes says that the books might as well say Kobi on the front because that's all they are. lol poor guy! Because he always says this I am currently working on a page with just pictures of us two. When I get it done I will post it. It's almost finished but I feel it's missing something.
I am trying to get back into the scrapbooking mood. From the looks of my living room you would think I was in the mood. But lately every time I sit down to do it, I'm just not in the crafty mood. I know scrapbooking is suppose to be fun, relaxing, and a hobby, but I hate that I am soooo far behind! It drives me crazy. I want to be caught up. I want to take pictures and then go in and scrap them. I want to at least be caught up by the time we have our first child, because I know after that I will definitely be behind. So my goal for the rest of the school year and summer is to get caught up! We'll see if that happens. That's only been my goal for the past two years. But I had excuses the previous years, work, night classes, basketball games, life. Now I have all the time in the world, except for the work excuse. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Update on Fertility: I took the last provera pill last night. Now waiting to start and then will start my 4th round of clomid. Please pray things go well this time.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Good luck with the couponing. I'm trying to learn too but usually you have to buy in bulk or go to places that double and triple your coupons. I dont have any stores that do that!! Nonetheless, I am trying too so if you get some good tips pass 'em on!!! Miss ya!!