Sunday, June 1, 2014

Two Years Old

Where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday we were bringing home this screaming bundle of joy from the hospital. Now, my baby girl is going to be two! I can't believe it! Since I haven't blogged in quite a while this post might be pretty lengthy. She's changed so much and is doing so many new things since I last posted.

-We go to the doctor for her 2 year appointment on Monday. But I just took her and found out she had RSV. Thankfully it wasn't that bad and she didn't have to do breathing treatments or go to the hospital. She weighs 26 pounds.
-She wears 18 month, 24 month, and 2t. The size depends on the brand.
-She is wearing a size 6 shoe, but will be in a 7 before summer is over.
-Still wearing size 4 diapers.
-She now has 14 teeth, and I believe she is working on number 15.
-Her red hair (strawberry blonde) seems to be sticking around. It is absolutely gorgeous!
-Her eyes will be blue one day and seem green another day.
-She still has a birthmark on the back of her neck, which can't be seen because of her hair. She also still has the one on her head, which you also can't see because of her hair. She had a very noticeable one on her eyelid when she was born, but it quickly went away.

-Thankfully, for the most part, she is not a picky eater. She will eat just about anything, at at least try it. She still loves anything green, most vegetables and most fruit. Some of her favorites are apples, pears, grapes, green beans, spinach, and zucchini. She also loves cottage cheese, chocolate, chips, rice, pasta, applesauce, waffles, pancakes, and anything on your plate.
-She refuses to eat meat, except bacon. She loves bacon! But no other meat. She even knows when you try to sneak meat in on her. She will immediately spit it out.
-She still loves milk and juice.

- She sleeps through the night, most nights. Unless she is teething. Then, you can forget it. She will not sleep through the night until they are all the way through.
- When she is not teething, she usually goes to sleep about 9:00 and gets up between 5 and 7.
- She still loves her pink blanket and cuddles it at night. She is not sleeping with anything else right now.
- We gave her a little travel pillow about 2 months ago and she took to it right away.
- She was cup free and went straight to her bed and went to sleep. I'm not sure what happened or how it happened, but we are just about back to square one. She is now back to taking a cup before bed while I rock her AND I lay on her floor, holding her hand through her crib until she goes to sleep. I think it's completely ridiculous that this is happening again, but I just keep reminding myself that she will not be little forever and one day I will be begging for these days back (and wondering how I am going to break her..........AGAIN!!!!!).
- her nightly routine was bath, read books, pray, and go to bed. Now it's bath, rock and take cup of milk, and then bed. Some how the books and prayer went out the window. She loved both of these things forever and then all of a sudden one night she started crying because she didn't want to read. The only thing I could think is that she was correlating reading and praying with going to bed, and she hates going to bed. I am determined to get both of these things back into our routine soon.

- Morgan still loves books! I love to find her in her room with a pile of books "reading" by herself. We have books everywhere; in her room, in the living room, the bathroom, and in both cars. She loves them! Some of her favorites right now are One Duck Stuck, No David, Good Night Gorilla, Guess Who, Minnie!, and The Pout-Pout Fish. We both know most of these by heart because we read them so often. It's so cute to hear her spout off the parts she knows.
- She loves trains so we found her a pink train set for her birthday. She LOVES it! She loves to go to the Library because she wants to play with the train.
- She is really starting to do more pretend play then ever before. She will feed her babies and have tea parties with them. She also likes to play with her doctor set and work on her zebra or give us check ups.
- She still loves anything to do with art. She loves to color, paint, play with stickers, or just make a mess. I am excited for this summer so we can do lots of outside messy art activities.
- Her favorite thing is to go outside. She loves to take walks in her stroller, play with Abby, do bubbles, sometimes color with sidewalk chalk, play in the dirt, and play with the neighbor boys. She has a little bike that she got for Christmas but she refuses to play on it.
- She still loves her cell phone and can maneuver around on just about any cell phone.
- She LOVES to watch "DV" and throws a fit when you turn it off. Her favorite cartoons right now are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins. Some of her favorite movies right now are Cinderella and Frozen. She can quote Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has a Farm because we have the DVD and she will ask for "EIEIO" when she wants to watch it. I hate that she watches so much TV and I am hoping to change that this summer.

- She is talking non-stop! She just started really talking the past 2 months or so. She says more and more words everyday and I am always so impressed with what comes out of her mouth. Sometimes, I think why do you even know what that word means?! She talks in three and four word sentences and talks pretty clear for a two year old. She says a y sound for l's and a d sound for t's. Some phrases she says often include "are you done now?", "more molt" (more milk), "I want my toe" (Phone), "I yuv you momma!" (talk about melt my heart!!!), and "I do, I do , I do!" when you ask her a question. So stinking cute!!!!!!! She also tells you she's sorry when there is absolutely no need for her to be sorry. Funny! She just started this babbling random sounds the past two weeks. I think it's when she is wanting to back talk you but she's not sure what to say. It's so funny, but so wrong. And she likes to tell us no. She has been getting in trouble for this and is starting to learn, but still does it sometimes.
- She loves to ask me to sing our songs and after I sing one she will put her finger to her chin in concentration and say hmmm what else, what else. I love it! Her favorite songs to sing right now are the ABC's, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, I'm Bringing Home My Baby Bumblebee, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Jesus Loves Me. She will sing parts of them with me and will do motions to some of them. It's super cute!!!
- She can locate and name all body parts, and tell name and give sounds for a lot of animals. Stinking cute too!
- She loves women, but is not big on men. She will run up and talk to a women way before she would ever even think about talking to a man.
- She is not potty trained or even close and is not interested at all. When we ask her if she has pooped she will almost always tell us no and run. She hates to get her diaper changed.
- She is very inquisitive and asks what EVERYTHING is!

This little girl is so amazing and I am a better person because of her. I thank God everyday for her!

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