Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mommy's Big Girl!

Potty Training is going way better then I thought! We have sat on the potty a few times to see what M thought about the whole thing and to see what she would do in the past months. She has gone pee in it a couple of times but other then that hated it. Every time I would ask her if she wanted to sit on the potty she would say no and pout. I would tell her she would get M&M's is she went pee, nope, not interested. I was really thinking this process was going to be super difficult. I wanted it to happen this summer since I am home with her and I wanted to be the one to do it, but was starting to think it wasn't going to happen. I knew she was showing signs that she was ready, like telling me she had just gone pee, waking up dry from 2 or 3 hour naps, and even recently told me she had pooped. That is a big one for her because EVERY time she would go poop and we would ask if she had she would tell us NO and run away. So I knew she was ready but wasn't sure if she was really ready, if you know what I mean, To me, it didn't look too good when she refused to sit on the potty.

But, this weekend when I went to Walmart, I took the plunge and bought little girl panties. I showed them to Morgan Sunday night and told her that in the morning she was going to pick out a pair to wear and she was going to pee on the potty, not in her panties. I explained to her that she was a big girl and we didn't want her panties to get wet. And I told her she would get M&M's if she went pee on the potty. She didn't seem too thrilled.

Monday morning, I let her pick out her panties and told her to tell me when she needed to go potty. I took her the first time and she peed. I was very surprised and so was she. She smiled from ear to ear and was so proud of herself. We did a little jig, sang a little song, flushed the pee down the potty, washed our hands and got M&M's. She was excited! Thank goodness!!! About 30 minutes later, she peed on the floor. Ok, ok, I wasn't too discouraged yet. I already knew it was the first day and this was to be expected. We ended the day with peeing in her panties 4 times, but peeing on the potty 9 times. Yay for M!!!!!!!! I was pretty proud of her. Her whole attitude changed. I asked her all day if she needed to go poo and even told her if she went poo in the potty we would go get some ice cream. That night she would go running towards the bathroom and say I need to poop, I need to poop. But when we would get in there she wouldn't do anything. I'm not sure if she wasn't quite sure what to do or if the urge kept going away but she never did poop. She ended up pooping in her diaper in the middle of the night. Darn!

Day two went even better. By lunch she had no accidents and had peed on the potty 4 times. At the end of the day she hadn't had any accidents at all and pooed in the potty!! We went and got ice cream because we told her if she pooed in the potty we would. She was so proud of herself.

Day three was quite different. The family cinema has free movies throughout the summer and I wanted to take Morgan to see how she would do in a theater. I was very nervous since we were only on day three of potty training, even though she didn't have any accidents the day before. Half way through the movie she said she needed to go pee. I took her and she decided she didn't need to go anymore. 7 trips later, she then decided she wanted to go home. I really thought she was just scared of the big potty and knew she probably really did need to go pee so we rushed home, and she went. Little did I know, she was sick! She woke up from her nap crying, as soon as I got in there to get her she threw up everywhere. At first I thought it might just be because she was crying and got choked but then I felt her and noticed she was super hot. She had 103 temperature. After throwing up 3 more times and talking to my neighbor who is a nurse, we headed to the doctor. They said it was a virus, nothing we could do about it, except give her anti-nausea medicine to hopefully make her quit throwing up. Five days later, a 104.7 temp, and another trip to the doctor, she was back to normal. When she got sick I thought we would have to start all over with potty training, (because you know we had been doing it for so long!! lol!!) nope! She never did have an accident, not once. She has not had an accident for almost two weeks, until today. I'm not sure what happened, but when I picked her up to put her down from her high chair, she was wet. She seemed surprised that it had happened, so who knows.
She even wakes up sometimes at night to use the bathroom. We are debating whether we should make her crib into a toddler bed or not. I am hoping that if we do, she will start to learn to get up and either come get us or go straight to the potty. I'm not sure how long this will take and I am very afraid it will cause other sleep problems. Remember this is the kid that HATES to sleep. She has never tried to climb out so I really haven't seen a need to move her out of the crib yet. But I am such a hard sleeper and she has started to pee a couple of times on the way to the potty in the middle of the night. I still put diapers on her at night, but she is very adamant about not going potty in her diaper and I feel bad that she has to wait on me to wake up so she can use the potty.
I think she is still learning her body and what it feels like when she really does need to go, especially number two. She will make 5 trips to the potty before she actually goes poo. And lately she will tell us 10 times that she needs to go pee and does nothing. I'm not really sure what is going on.
I just can't get over how amazing she is doing with this. Three weeks ago she would absolutely refuse to sit on the potty and didn't care to go in her diaper. Now she is almost a pro, and only after two weeks. I keep waiting for the reality to set in and her start having accidents. Maybe that won't happen and she will continue to do well. What a big girl I have and she made it so easy on me!

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