Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Out of the Mouths of Babes

This girl is talking so much lately. She says new words all the time and comes up with stuff that I didn't even realize she knew anything about. A lot of times she is so funny and doesn't even know it. The other day she came and sniffed me and said "you stint mommy, go take a bath". Oh man, I couldn't stop laughing.  She can't say the k sound, instead it comes out as a t sound. The same with l. She says it with a y sound. I love to hear her say "I yuv you mommy"!! Melts my heart! I tell her I love her all the time. Yesterday I said I love you Morgan and she said "I yuv you Morgan". I tried to explain to her that when mommy says I love you Morgan, you say I love you mommy. I said say I love you mommy. She said I yuv you mommy, and a couple of minutes later she said I yuv you mommy, Morgan. Oh my. Obviously she didn't understand that conversation. Haha!
Right now she is also in the habit of repeating everything you say to her, everything! If I say no baby, you need to stop. She will say no baby, you need to stop. Such a mess! She asks a lot of questions all the time, but her main question is asking what something is doing, even if it is a person. She will say what it doing? Or what that doing? I have tried to explain to her that when it is a person we say who are they or what are they doing but she doesn't seem to understand that concept yet. And she'll ask what anything and everything is doing. There could be a washcloth laying there and she will ask what the washcloth is doing.

I did ask her the other day if she was a boy or a girl. She looked at me like what are you talking about? I explained to her that her and I were girls and then asked her if daddy was a girl or a boy. She said a boy. I was impressed. Apparently she has some understanding on the difference between girls and boys.

Yesterday I told her she was a little turkey. She said no I'm not, your a little turkey. I said I am not a little turkey. After thinking a few minutes she said your a big turkey??  Crazy girl of mine!

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