Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy 1 Month Birthday

Wow!! I can't believe Morgan is 1 month old already!! This mont has gone by so fast! Seems like just yesterday we went to the hospital to have her. Oh my, how quickly times flies!

At 1 Month Morgan:

weighs 10 pounds and is 22 inches long. We just went to the dr. and she was in the 90th percentile and up in every area. Getting to be such a big girl! She is still wearing newborn diapers but growing out of them quickly. In the past couple of days I have decided that she is too big for newborn clothes so I have moved her onto 0-3 month clothing. Most of it she can wear but there are still some outfits that are a little too big. The newborn clothes are just getting too tight and it's beginning to be a struggle to get her into them. Makes this Momma sad!! :(

is really starting to look around. She really seems to be seeing things instead of doing so much staring off into no where. She loves to look at bright lights and the fan. She has started to turn her head when we talk and definitely takes notice when daddy talks. She can hold her head up pretty good and will be doing it with out a problem very soon. She is so strong! She will kick and kick and push her feet against your belly.

usually sleeps about three to three and a half hours between feedings at night. We have started giving her a formula bottle with rice cereal at her first feeding of the night to help her sleep longer but I really haven't noticed much of a difference. Other then the one formula bottle at night she only breast feeds. She has done great with this since day one. She didn't spit up for the first two and a half weeks and for some reason has started to a lot! It was gradual at first but has gotten worse and worse. Sometimes it looks like it's about half of what she has just eaten or more.

is not crazy about getting a bath. She does ok until you start washing her hair. Once you start washing her hair she screams her head off, poor baby. I'm hoping this will soon change and she will enjoy it.

is on a flexible schedule of nursing, playing for about an hour, then sleeping for about two, in three hour intervals. She is starting to put herself to sleep some but mostly Cory rocks (or bounces) her to sleep. She slept in the bassinet for the first two weeks but we moved her the rockin play because she seems to sleep better in it. I think because it does not lay her flat on her back. We swaddle her and lay her on her side. She took her first nap in her crib yesterday on her belly.

has hated the pacifier for the first three weeks, but is starting to come around. We bought just about every kind of pacifier there is in hopes she would find one she liked. She refused all of them, opening her mouth wide for milk. But, finally this past Sunday she decided to take one all day. Oh my, what a wonderful day it was! There was minimal crying. But the very next day she refused it again. I wanted to cry because some of her problem is she just wants to suck and I know a pacifier would help. She took it a little today and last night so I'm hoping she will decide she likes it.

LOVES her daddy! I think she is going to be a daddy's girl. He is so good with getting her to calm down and quit crying. He does this bouncing thing and she loves it.

cries a lot. The Dr. thinks she might have colic. She cries a lot, and I mean a lot. The first week she cried ALL the time. After that it got a little better but not much. I really struggle with her getting spoiled because I'm not sure if she's crying because she is getting spoiled or because of the colic. We are praying this colic is short lived so we can have our smiling little girl all the time.

First bath given by Grammy and Granny Jan

1 month old

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