Thursday, May 24, 2012

Abby Meets Miss Morgan

Before we brought Morgan home we were a little nervous about how Abby would react. We didn't really think she would be ugly or jealous but we weren't sure. Well the day came to bring Morgan home and Abby couldn't have done any better. My mom took Abby out before we brought Morgan inside. Cory got her out of the car seat and was holding her on the couch when we brought Abby back in. We tried to show Abby Morgan but she acted like she didn't see her or care she was there. Finally Morgan moved and Abby took notice. She immediately wanted to know what Cory was holding. She sniffed and sniffed and licked. We were still very nervous because Abby is so hyper. We had to hold her back so she wouldn't scratch Morgan.

We put Morgan in the bassinet and watching Abby was so funny. She kept standing up on the side of the bassinet and trying to look in every time Morgan moved or made a noise.

At first every time Morgan made a noise or cried Abby was right there trying to figure out what was going on. When she cried she would pace the floor like she didn't know what to do, or she would try to lick her hands and feet trying to fix it. It was so sweet.

We are still going to have to teach Abby to be gentle around Morgan but I have no doubt in my mind that she won't hurt her on purpose. We both think Abby is going to be good big sister and we were nervous for no reason.

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