Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hoping it Goes Good

Ok, maybe I just need to stop reading other people's posts because they have all been bad. One mom said the first 5 weeks of her babies life was terrible. She had the baby blues and cried all the time. Another one I just read said they had to go back to the hospital because of jaundice and her baby wasn't nursing. Another one said she hadn't had sleep for like 4 days and the baby wouldn't stop crying. Oh my, what have I gotten myself into? I am soooo hoping that Cory has a lot of days left by then so he can stay home the rest of the school year (which is only like 2 weeks) and that my mom and/or my Granny Jan can come and stay. I know they will both be a lot of help and hopefully help make things not so bad. I really hope I am just freaking out and that everything goes great. I am very thankful that she is due at the beginning of May and that I won't have to miss much school and Cory and I will have all summer together.

The pregnancy is going amazingly well and quickly. In 2 weeks I will be in the third trimester! The next time I go to the Dr. I will be 30 weeks! 30 weeks!! Wow!! And I have to take the glucose test this next time but the Dr. said since everything is going so well he doesn't think I will have any problems with it. We went to the Dr. on Wednesday and actually saw Dr. Wright's partner. It turned out ok though because he will be assisting with the c-section. He was nice but we do like Dr. Wright better. He answered any questions we had and checked a few things. Said I was still growing normal and my blood pressure looked good. He went over the c-section a little bit and told us it was ok for our photographer to be in the delivery room with us!! Yay!

There is a design class at the high school and they needed somebodies house to redo a room in. My husband got asked if we wanted anything done since our house is about 100 feet from the high school.
He was not looking forward to painting or helping so he willingly accepted. I went Friday to talk to the class and show them things I liked and discuss the room. I am very nervous because I am afraid I won't like it (I have a small thing of liking to be in control) but at the same time it really is a huge blessing. Neither Cory or I have any time to do much outside of work. Cory was not looking forward to painting since we just painted this past summer. And we always have good intentions of doing something and a lot of times it doesn't get done. So this way I know it will get done and in time. The next thing that we have to do is after the kids come up with different room ideas I will go back and pick which one I like the best. I am excited to see what they have come up with. I gave them lots of ideas and they seemed to have some of their own. Cory and I are suppose to put the crib up today. We will see if that happens. ;)

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