Saturday, September 17, 2011

Poison Ivy..........Not so fun!!

So while I am helping my husband move some brush to a burn pile, or maybe it was when we went to the river, not sure which one,  I got poison ivy in the process. I wasn't really alarmed at first, but then again I couldn't remember having it before either. My mom said I had never had it, maybe she's right. So it started out as a couple of spots on my arm, and quickly turned into a full blown poison ivy rash. I have never been so miserable in my life. Ok, maybe a couple of others times, but can't think of any at this moment. It kept spreading on my arm, then up my arm. Red, itchy, and eventually sores. I tried rubbing alcohol, calamine, a friend's poison ivy med from a dr, nothing. Then I ended up with some more spots on both my legs. Terrified at this point that it was going to get EVERYWHERE, I called to get a shot. The clinic in town would not see me (for specific reasons) so I called a dr in Houston who called me in some pills. Thank goodness, because I don't know that I could have handled more cream. I was completely miserable by this point.

I have taken two days of pills, no more itching, and Cory says it looks like it is healing up. I am one happy girl! My first and hopefully last episode of poison ivy was terrible. I pray I never get it again. Terrible! Not fun at all!! I am definitely ready for this huge red blotch to go away on my arm. People freak when they see it and my kids have noticed it and I'm sure they have gone home and told their parents. I explained to them that it was poison ivy so hopefully the kids remember to mention that when they tell their parents that their teacher has a big, huge, red sore on her arm!!

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