Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Guess What????

Three tests, one nervous husband, 2 1/2 weeks of waiting,
and a dr visit, confirms it!!

It's been a rough road to get to where
we are now, and it took all I had to keep it in. A lot of our friends and
all of our families know because we just couldn't keep it a secret.
 We didn't want to post anything on fb or on blogger until it was confirmed
and everything looked good.

I am so happy with the Dr. we chose. He is very thorough
and talked with us for about an hour and a half. The first
appointment went great. It was long but worth it. With
all of my history and problems we had so much to discuss. Thankfully
my old Dr. sent my file and Dr. Wright knew a little
about what was going on. He was a little worried about
the chance of twins, since I was on my second
month in a row of 100 mg clomid, and the possibility of a
 tubal pregnancy. But thankfully after an ultrasound he said
 everything looked great. The baby was where it was suppose to be,
growing and looking good. Thankfully it's just one.
 Cory was more then relieved about that, and actually
Dr. Wright and I was too. Twins would have put a lot of pressure on
my uterus where the surgery was. I don't know that
I would have wanted twins anyway.

We got to see the babies heart beat, which was amazing!! I am due
May 4th, but he will take me about a week sooner since I have to
have a c-section. I wasn't too happy to hear that, but I
knew it was coming. I am so glad that everything looks good.
I feel much better now that he confirmed that I was pregnant
and that things were going good.

I was beginning to wonder if this day would ever come.
Thanking God daily for hearing my prayer!!!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Dear God, please keep your watchful eyes and protective hands on amber and this precious little life. help the baby to grow healthily and happily. thank you so much for this long-awaited blessing! amen.