Monday, September 26, 2011

I Still Remember

I love my Meme! She is an amazing women and I have always cherished the time we get to spend together. She is so sweet and always has an insightful opinion. She is never quick to judge and takes you just as you are. She keeps you on your toes and brings you back to your roots. I pray that my kids will get to know her and my mother the way I know them. I thank God everyday that they are both in my life. With out them, only heaven knows where I would be.

I say all that to tell this story. I got a letter from Meme today. It was a sweet card and I didn't understand what she was talking about until I opened up what she had printed off for me. It was a post I had written only months ago, a day that I was not having the greatest time. Though it has always been in the back of my mind since I got pregnant, she brought it all the way to the front. She reminded me of the struggles I was having just two months ago. Oh how quickly we forget. God gives us what we want, we are happy, and we forget. We forget to be thankful, we forget the misery, we forget how hard it was. Since day one I had been thanking God for His blessings and for hearing my prayer. But the past couple of weeks I had forgotten. I had forgotten just how blessed I was. How amazing it was that everything is going good with the baby, how I haven't been sick at all, how my husband is ok with the thought, Then Meme kept me on my toes and helped me remember. For that, I am thankful! I want to always remember how hard the struggle was to get pregnant. How sad I was. How much I had to lean on God and my family and friends. How I had to have faith and remember He has a plan. How, when someone else comes along who is struggling like I did, I can help, encourage, and pray for them.

So thank you Meme, for helping me remember!

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