Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Working Out, My Classroom and Fertility

My summer is almost over. :( Makes me sad! Only 4 weeks left until school starts. I shouldn't be complaining though because we are going back later then a lot of other schools. So I will enjoy my last few weeks and hopefully not get to overly stressed. I worked in my classroom again today. The past couple of days that I have been working seem to be just moving stuff around aimlessly, making an even bigger mess for myself. But I couldn't figure out where some of it needed to go and what some it even was. So I finally broke down and called the other First grade teacher to see if she cared to come in and help me make sense of this horrific mess. Thankfully she was more then willing to come and help. We got a big chunk of it organized and she was very helpful in explaining what went with what, what it was for, and when we would use it. I feel ten times better. I still have a lot more to do but at least I don't feel as stressed out about it.

Cory and I started P90X last week, took a break because we went on vaca and now are back at it again. It's kicking my but. The last time I did P90X I was ok. BUT I had already been working out and was in a little bit of shape. I really haven't put much effort into losing weight because my whole theory was that I was going to get pregnant anyway, so why lose the weight if I was just going to get fat again. I know it doesn't really makes any sense but it was my way of getting out of working out. But I have decided that I may never get pregnant so I don't want to spend my whole life going by this theory and then wake up one day and I'm fifty years old and never got pregnant, and still fat! Plus, I am hoping losing weight will help me get pregnant. I mean I don't need to lose like 50 pounds but if I don't watch it I could get there. Plus, I have getting in a bathing suit and none of my clothes fit!!! So aggravating! I could have so much more to wear if I would just lose weight. So that is my goal. A couple of summers ago Cory and I got on a health kick, was eating right and working out like crazy. I lost 17 pounds and Cory lost 15. I was actually starting to look skinny! Then life got busy and we forgot. I'm telling you, eating healthy is expensive. I don't care what anybody says, it is! Fruits, vegetables, healthy snacks, healthy food just costs more! Anyway, I'm hoping to stick with it and lose the weight. We will see what happens.

I haven't updated on fertility lately, so I guess I will do that. I started my 100 mg of clomid this month. I dread next month! I could definitely tell that my ovaries were swollen, they hurt so bad. From taking clomid before, months in a row, I know that the longer I take them the more painful it gets. So doubling up and taking it 2 months in a row is not going to be fun. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant this month but I should find out by the weekend for sure. August would be the perfect month for me because I will be due in May and probably wouldn't have to take any time off from work, plus I would have the whole summer with my new baby. That would be great because since I am new this year I don't have any days built up. I will get some but not enough to take maternity leave. So I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for August. Just waiting patiently.

Well I've rambled on enough to bore you to death, so I will go for now. Hope your having a great summer!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

i've been following along! life is hectic around here. i have so many posts to write on my blog! glad your classroom is coming along. i don't even know when my first day back to school is! i'm a speech therapist, so i'm not the same as everyone else. it's going by so quickly!

good luck with the clomid. how many clomid cycles have you done? i know that my fertility specialists (i was seen in two different practices) said that women shouldn't do more than six. are you doing trigger shots with the clomid? we should chat sometime. i'd love to hear about what the docs are saying. encouraging you is not as easy in a blog comment. give me a call or message me!

praying for you and sending those wonderful hugs to keep your spirits up!