Thursday, May 12, 2011


So I told you earlier that I would update you on the whole moving thing. Well...............we are moving! I'm super excited, as is my husband! To make a long story short as to why we are moving, my husband is a basketball coach. Enough said! I will tell you that while we have many enemies and have had some rough times here, we also have some pretty amazing friends, church and memories!! I can't believe I am saying this but I am kind of sad we are leaving. We have lived here for five years. I know this place, where everything is, what's good to eat and what's not. Who people are, lots of friends to hang out with, and we love our church. So I guess the sadness is not only because we are leaving such special friends but also the normal. You see, I thrive on normal and comfortable. So this whole moving to where I don't know anybody, where anything is, will they like me kind of thing freaks me out a little. But then I remember the rough times we had and then I'm super excited to get the heck out of dodge!!

I'm in the process of packing right now. It's slow but there isn't really a rush right now. Just thought I would go ahead and get started. We probably won't move until the 2nd week of June. Oh, and another awesome thing about this job is that the school has a house for us. You see, the school built it and then let administrators live in it. A couple of years of ago he/she didn't want it so they let the coach use it. It's just a small 2 bedroom/1 bath house, but that's all we need right now. And IF we get pregnant soon we will still have a room for the baby. Having a house already is amazing because it takes away the stress of finding one! That is always a pain!! We don't want to buy because a coaches job is never forever but trying to find something to rent that is descent and affordable is very hard to find.

Now that my husband has a job, we can move onto finding me one. There a couple of positions here and there so hopefully I can get one of them. I could be looking at starting my first year as a teacher!

Only 2 weeks of school left and then summer, here we come!! I can't wait!!!

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