Thursday, March 8, 2012

8 months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Size of Baby: Approx 3 and 1/2 pounds and 16 inches long

Gender: Girl!!!!! Morgan Amory

Maternity Clothes: Yes, Maternity pants, and shirts. I can
still wear some of my regular shirts but a lot of them are
getting too tight. I'm on the last couple of weeks of my
t-shirts. Most are getting too tight.

Weight Gain:21 pounds

Movement: She moves all the time, and has started to
move up into my ribs. She lays mainly on the left side
and rolled across my belly for the first time today.

Symptoms: Heartburn, leg cramps at night, waking up
3 to 4 times most nights to use the bathroom, the need
to use the bathroom constantly, out of breath easily,
feel like I can't breath, and just being uncomfortable.

Cravings: Still milk, not much else. I get halfway
through a meal and either I'm not hungry anymore
or it's about to make me sick.

Best Moment of the Month: Getting her room almost finished!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

with kellan, i craved chocolate milk all.the.time. i remember going out to eat one night and i couldn't eat my dinner, but i drank SEVEN glasses of chocolate milk!! ah, memories.

she'll be here so soon!!!