Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back to School................Already!

I don't know how the summer flies by so quickly. It seems as though it gets shorter and shorter each year. Maybe it's because I am an adult and  now I have a child or maybe it really is getting shorter. Whatever the reason, summer is over and it is time to go back to school.
Aug. 10
We are starting our school year out with a bang! Morgan and I both have strep! We went to Urgent Care today (paid $100 for the visit. Ugh!!!) and sure enough, that's what is. Morgan and I have now had strep twice this year. I am looking at the good side of things. I start school Wednesday so at least I didn't have to use any days and hopefully I got my sickness for the school year out of the way! I usually don't get sick that often. Thankfully neither do Morgan or Cory.
Aug 13
It is the first day of school and I am home missing it. Instead of getting better I got worse. Thankfully Morgan is way better and I am getting there. I should not have been given the medicine the Urgent Care doctor gave me. I was told it is usually only given when you are allergic to amoxicillin. It's like putting a band-aid on a gushing wound. No wonder I wasn't getting any better. I finally went back to the doctor yesterday because I was getting way worse. They swabbed me and gave me the right medicine. I am much better today. Thank goodness because I was pretty miserable! A little annoyed with the Urgent Care because I know if she had given me the right medicine I would be at work today. On a good note I am home with Morgan on my birthday. At least one good thing came out of all of this.

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