Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Birthday America!

This year for 4th of July we headed to Little Rock, AR to celebrate. My hubby has always wanted to go to the mountains for vaca but we just haven't made it that way yet. So this year he improvised with climbing Pinnacle Mountain. It's nothing compared to the real mountains we would like to visit but it was nice to do something different than what we usually do for the 4th and it was nice to be outside enjoying some fresh air and nature.

Morgan did so well and wanted to walk the whole time. There was a few times that there were too many rocks and we had to pick her up and hold her. She asked about everything on the way and once we saw some lizards scurrying around she was excited to look for more. 

She wasn't too happy to hold our hands but there were some parts that were just too big for little girls. 

The next day, 4th of July, we went back to Pinnacle Mountain but went to an easier trail. It was way nothing compared to what we had done the day before. Course, Morgan wanted to be held the whole time on this trail. Not sure what the deal was but I kept in mind that she is only two. She still did super good and I think really enjoyed both trips to the mountain. 

That night we went to the River Market to Pops on the River to walk around and watch fireworks. There were tons and tons of people but it was fun to check out the vendors and the food. They also had a little kiddie zone that Morgan got to do some free fun things. 

4th of July 2014

The bridge was gorgeous lit all with red, white and blue! 

It was neat because we got to listen to the Arkansas Orchestra which was pretty amazing. The whole evening was pretty wonderful and no other 4th of July in the past has compared to it. I am so glad that we were able and my husband was willing to stray from the usual plans to go make memories of our own as a family! Happy 4th of July ya'll!!

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