Friday, July 12, 2013

14 Months

I had such a hard time getting Morgan's monthly posts done that I decided after 12 months I was going to change it up. So I have decided I will try every two months instead of monthly. Hoping this will help me keep up with it better.

I can't believe our baby girl is over a year old! I wanted a baby for as long as I can remember, we had so many problems, and now the pregnancy is over, the birth is over, and now the first year is over. Oh. My. Goodness. Time is going way too fast! I love this little girl more then I have loved anyone, ever! She is the absolute light in my life, and such an amazing blessing. She makes me a better person. The only thing that makes me sad is that she is so much like me. I am very afraid that she is going to have my attitude. She looks like her daddy, but she acts like me. I would have liked it to be the other way around. Anyway, on to Miss M.

Morgan, 14 months

-Morgan weighs 21 pounds and has for months. I'm happy as long as she's not losing any weight.
-She is wearing mainly 12 month clothing, and a  few 18 month.
-She wears a size 4 shoe and absolutely loves shoes!
-In diapers she is in a size 3.
-She has 8 teeth and I don't see anything new trying to come in right now. We brush teeth every morning and every night. It use to be pretty easy to do, but not so much anymore. Now she likes to stick her tongue out and cover up her bottom teeth. I let her brush her own teeth after I am done. She just sucks on the toothbrush and tries to brush my teeth.

13 months June 2013

-Her eating habits have been pretty good for the past couple of weeks. She was weird about eating. One meal she would eat pretty good, and then the next meal she wouldn't eat anything. The past 2 weeks or so she has really done well. She will eat and eat and want more. 
-She is kind of weird about what she eats. She really isn't picky, but depending on the day, she may not want something, even though she may have eaten the exact thing yesterday! 
-Her favorites include cheese, yogurt, bananas, green veggies, and eggs.
-She LOVES milk, juice, and COLD water. She will drink milk all day if you let her. 
-She loves to snack and wants whatever you are eating, even if you offered it to her during her meal but she refused to eat it. Silly girl!
-She is getting better with not throwing her food in the floor when eating. But she still likes to share her snacks with Abby. 

13 months June 2013

-Her sleeping is getting better. She was working on sleeping through the night, and not waking up until 7:00 or 7:30. I was/am trying to break her of waking once in the middle of the night for a cup of milk. She was doing pretty good with it, and then we moved and went out of town. So I wasn't being too diligent with it, and trying to let her get adjusted to the new house. We have been here for about 2 weeks, so I am trying to get her back into the swing of things. Breaking her from that cup of milk in the middle of the night is not fun. For the past week I have been letting her cry and go back to sleep by herself. The first night took forever, the second night she only cried about 10 minutes. The third night was terrible!!! We were all up for 2 and 1/2 hours! But last night she slept all night! So proud of my girl! Hoping she will continue to sleep through the night and then longer, until about 7:00 or 7:30 again. When she wakes up at 5:00 or 6:00 she is so cranky. 
-She still takes 2 naps a day. The first is usually 3 hours after she wakes in the morning, and the second is 3 hours after she wakes up from her first nap. She has been sleeping about 2 hours each nap. 
-She sleeps with her pink blanket and holds her rabbit and is starting to want to hold her baby too. She's so funny because she will lay on the blanket and try and stuff the rabbit and baby under herself also. Silly girl! She still sleeps on her belly and I have been finding her lately with the blanket over her head. This makes me nervous so I try and move it. 

Mid June 2013 13 1/2 months

-She usually does pretty good with playing by herself. She likes to play with shape sorter, her phone, and build with her big legos. 
-She loves to read!! She will sit and look at books for sometimes a good 10 minutes. She will also bring them to you to read and always says yes when you ask her if she wants to read. Love it!
-She loves, loves. loves to be outside! I think she would stay outside all day if we would let her. She enjoys scribbling with the sidewalk chalk, throwing balls, and playing in the cloud dough. She also loves to watch Abby run around and likes to throw her ball for her. 
-She loves the water but hates it in her face. 
-She loves to find little things both inside and outside, but loves rocks most of all. She will put just about anything in her mouth, rocks and dirt especially! 
-She lovers all animals and pants when you ask her what a dog or Abby says. She loves the watch the birds and cats. 
She really enjoys going to the park. Also loves to watch other people. 

Meme's House June 2013
13 1/2 months

-She still only says momma, dada, and yes or yup. She signs milk, more, and eat, but often gets them confused. She is really jabbering and talking her own language. I love to hear those sweet sounds and wonder what she is trying to say. 
-When she tries to talk she has started to stick her tongue out a little at the same time. It makes her sound like she has a lisp. I talked to a friend of mine who is a speech pathologist, and she said it was age appropriate and nothing to worry about it. I must admit, I was a little worried. 
-She is having some attachment issues which makes me worry about when I have to go back to work. She wants me and usually only me. I know this is completely age appropriate and very common. She does not want daddy to hold her, just me. She even refuses my mom. She was doing ok with going to the nursery at church, but has been struggling with that lately. 
-She has never been a peoples person but is getting a little better with that. As long as people aren't psycho when they come around her and let her warm up, she does pretty good. 
-I blow dry her hair every night after her bath. She just sits there and plays while I do it. She knows where I put the hairdryer and will open the cabinet and shake her head no and frown at it. Crazy girl!
-She knows she is not suppose to have the TV remote or our phones. When we accidentally leave them in her reach, she will get it and come find us, smile real big and then run. When we catch up to her and she knows she's busted, she will throw it. Or, if she sees either the remote or cell phone she will shake her head no and point to it. 
-She LOVES her pink blanket! She loves to sleep with it, play with it, drag it around and would like to have it at all times. She screams when she sees me throw it in the washer. 
-She gives kisses and will sometimes give you a hug with out requesting one. 
-She gives the biggest frowns, sometimes for no reason at all. She also gasps when she hears a noise or really to anything. It is super cute! She has the cutest little mischievous grin when she's doing something wrong. 

July 10, 2013 14 1/2 months

End of June 2013 14 months

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