Saturday, July 14, 2012

First 4th of July

I really kind of dreaded 4th of July because Morgan had been very cranky the couple of days before and I just knew she would be screaming the whole time we were gone. Thank goodness I was wrong! She actually did wonderful.
We started the holiday off by going to visit Terry, Cory's dad, and some of his family. Terry lives in St. Louis so he doesn't get to see Morgan as much as he would like. He was so excited to see her and loved showing her off the rest of the family.

4th of July is always is a big day full of stuff to do. First thing we do is head to Aunt Sue's house for breakfast and then watch the parade. Morgan slept the whole time.

Then we head to the Corning picnic. I mainly dreaded this because I knew it was going to be extremely hot and I figured this would be when she would be so cranky. Again, she did great. She slept the whole time we were out there. We got to see many of Cory's old friends from high school and family friends. Everybody was excited to see Morgan.

After the picnic we head to Tina's to eat lunch. I always love going to Tina's to eat for the 4th because there is always so much good food. Morgan got to meet her 2nd cousins Kendall and Peyton. They both loved and loved on her. It was the cutest thing.

Then we headed to Renea Garlands (friends of Diane) so more people could see Morgan and to put her in the pool for the first time. By the time we were able to get into the pool Morgan was so tired. Poor baby. She had been passed around so much and didn't cry at all. Before she fell asleep Cory took her for a quick swim. She didn't cry but she wasn't smiling either. I think if she hadn't have been so tired she may have liked it better.

I think Morgan's first 4th was a huge success. No screaming or crying and she slept most of the day. Next year she will be running around and getting into everything. I can't wait!

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