Saturday, February 11, 2012

7 months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 28 weeks

Size of Baby: Approx 2 pounds and about 14 inches long

Gender: Girl!!!!! Morgan Amory

Maternity Clothes: Yes, Maternity pants, and shirts. I can
still wear some of my regular shirts but a lot of them are
getting too tight. I'm on the last couple of weeks of my
t-shirts. Most are getting too tight.

Weight Gain:18 pounds

Movement: She moves all the time. Usually first thing in the
morning, the middle of the day and right before bed. Some days
when I have been really really busy the day before she doesn't
move much. I guess she is tired just like me.

Symptoms: Leg cramps at night, feeling like I have to pee all
the time, acid reflux ALL the time, swelling in my feet
and legs, and not being able to bend over easily.

Cravings: Milk, I can't get enough of it!

Best Moment of the Month: Making it to the third trimester!!

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