Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy 6 months old Baby Girl

(1 week late)
Miss Morgan is half a year old! Wow!! She has been in our lives for six months. Doesn't seem like it's been that long but at the same time it seems like we've had her forever. She truly makes me happy when skies are gray!! I can have a terrible day at work and come home to her smiling face and the worries of the day fade away. I know it sounds cheesy but it's so very true! I love our little girl more then anything.

At 6 months Morgan:

weighs    and is     inches long. She eats 6 ounces 4 times a days, sometimes 5 depending on what time she wakes up at night/early morning. She eats a fruit with cereal in the morning and a vegetable at night. She no longer sucks it off the spoon but opens her mouth like a little baby bird waiting for more. Sometimes gets upset when you aren't shoveling it in fast enough. Drinks out of a sippy cup during meal times.

wears size 3 diapers. They a little too big but the size 2's are too small. Wears 6 month clothing and some 6-9 month. Wears size 2 shoes but will be out of those very quickly.

started crawling on Sunday October 14. We had been in Branson with my grandparents and my mom and had been persuading her all weekend to crawl. We walked through the door at home, I sat her down on the floor and she took off. Little stinker! Now she is into EVERYTHING! She loves to eat Abby's bones and will chase her all over to get to her and the bone.

started sitting up about a week after she started crawling. One day she just sat right up like she had been doing it forever. She is now a pro and does it all the time. No more laying down for this little girl.

is in the beginning stages of pulling up. She can do it great with your help but is still very wobbly when she tries to do it herself. But getting better very quickly.

eats baby food like we never feed her. She loves veggies but isn't crazy about a lot of fruit, just like her momma. We tried bananas again to see if she still broke out. She did fine so I guess it was just a fluke or I am paranoid. Who knows! She is starting to be very interested in what you are eating and is starting to reach for it. We haven't really tried giving her much real food except mashed potato's which she gagged on.

acts like she is teething, drooling, chewing on everything (and has been for months) but has no teeth in sight. People keep telling me this really is a good thing, that it's not good when they get teeth early. Ok, fine with me.

is starting to sleep a little better at night. I put her on a schedule and that has really seemed to help. She still wakes up around 3:00 but this is way better then 2 or 3 times a night. I really think the 3:00 is a habit again because we usually feed her then. I know she can go longer, but breaking that habit is a different story.

can pretty much hold her own bottle. This is bittersweet because it means she is getting closer and closer to not needing momma for EVERYTHING but can be nice when I need to do something.

has started "talking" again. She jabbers, grunts, squeals, and makes some kind of weird noise all the time now. She fake coughs and sometimes smiles about it. She still does not laugh out loud but will sometimes squeal when I am tickling her.

has started shaking her head and scrunching her nose up when we lay her down to change her. I am going to try and get it on video because it is so darn cute! She tries to escape when you change her by rolling over and moving like crazy. Sometimes it is next to impossible to get a diaper on her. I know it is only going to get harder.

loves to give kisses! I don't know that she knows what we are doing but when we say "give me kisses" she will lean in with her mouth open. It's super sweet! Lately she has been sticking her tongue out too and you get a really slobbery kiss. But I'll take those slobbery kisses any day!!

I am looking forward to the upcoming holiday seasons with our baby girl! I'm so excited to start new traditions and enjoy watching her experience new things. So very in love with our baby girl!

22 weeks old
23 weeks old
6 months old

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