Monday, February 14, 2011

Funny Little Valentine

Happy Valentines Day! My husband ceases to amaze me. We decided a couple of weeks ago that since we were completely broke we wouldn't give gifts for Valentines Day this year. He loves me and I love him, not getting a gift for Valentines Day wasn't going to change that. He informed there would be no flowers this year, which was fine with me. (They almost seem like a waist since they die promptly just a few days later) It was nice to know it before hand. I still figured I would get him a card, I mean $2 won't break the bank. But when you are down to one car and your husband goes with you everywhere, it's kind of hard to get something wo him knowing or seeing. Needless to say I never had the chance. Then yesterday I thought well I will make him one. I have tons of scrapbooking stuff and don't people love home made stuff better?! Well that never happened either. But I decided it was ok because we had decided to not do anything. Ooooopps!!! My sweet husband surprised me today at lunch with a card and chocolates. That little stinker. You would think I would know after 5 1/2 years of marriage that this almost always happens. It wasn't much but it was still a sweet little surprise. But now I feel bad because I didn't do anything. I mean nothing. I didn't even get around to making the card. Yikes! It's a good things he loves me no matter what!! And the day is not over yet, I may be able to pull something out of my hat.  

On a sadder note, I found out Friday with a blood test that I am not pregnant. I know your probably wondering why I am bringing this up again. I did post earlier that I had 3 neg preg tests. But I was on day 41 and STILL hadn't started. I have never gone that long, I had never missed a period, and I am pretty sure I ovulated. So even after 3 neg tests I was still speculating if I was really pregnant or not. Grrrrr neg blood test. Started Provera that day and then another round of clomid. Which I am not happy about because I was really wanting to have the surgery at the end of this month to remove the scar tissue. Now we are prolonged at least another two months. =( Praying there is no scar tissue and I will get pregnant this month!

I talked to two of my closes friends this weekend, which made me miss them even more. I always thought when I was in high school that we would always live in the same neighborhood, our kids would grow up playing in the yard together, and we would always have each other around. What a little bubble I was in. These girls are my dearest friends, my oldest friends, and they know almost every little secret, funny story, and dream I have. I hate that we all live so far away from each other and only see each other once every three years or so. Sniff, sniff, makes me sad! It's hard to have such close friends as they are and I long to have a friend like that close around again. I am so ready to leave this town, move on, and make new friends. Start over and maybe get settled. That's the thing about being a coaches wife. You never know where your gonna go or how long you are going to be there. This is kind of hard for me. I spent 18 years in Austin, TX. My church was my school. I was there for church on Sundays and Wednesdays, I went to school there five days of the week, I played sports so I was there after school practicing almost everyday. The only day of the week I wasn't there was Saturday and sometimes we were there that day too. So you can see how moving around constantly is a little tough. We have been here for five years and it is definitely time to go. We have worn out our welcome and are looking forward to our next home. For once I am actually ready to leave. Ready to start over. Only three more months.  


Two Shades of Pink said...

Thanks for your sweet comment about the blog buttons. And know that my heart breaks reading about those mean ole negative tests...I know what that feels like so well. But God has a specific purpose when He allows us to be sifted in this way. Know that you are being prayed for at this very second. I also praise God for your precious husband! :) Happy Valentines Day!

Two Shades of Pink said...

Sorry I did not write you back sooner...hubby took me and the girls to dinner. So fun! OK> I have been trying to tweak my images in order for a blogger (like you) who does not have a white background to still place it on their blog. I have removed the white space from the first 2 images (i love my life and I love my family)...I think. I am using new software today so I can do more fancy shmancy stuff. But all you do is grab the image and either save it to your files or you can copy the link location when you right click, go to your dashboard, click add a gadget, click picture, and paste the link location in the part where it says location from web. Try it and see if it works and then shoot me an email.