Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Blue Day and Other Musings

Really?? Another blue day?! I'm not sure if it's the cold winter days, with no spring weather or pretty colors. OR the fact that I am totally lost as to what the heck is going on with me??!! My monthly gift is MIA and I do not know where to find her. But here's the kicker, it doesn't make sense for her to be lost. Really, it doesn't. Three tests later confirms a very big NO! I have never had a problem losing her and I am anxiously ready to find her.

On a good note. We got out of school yesterday because of snow and will probably get out tomorrow too! Yesterday I got to go back to sleep after getting the call from the school and sleep for another two hours. I cleaned a little, did some laundry, cooked lunch, then scrapbooked the rest of the day away. Until it was time for the Bachelor to come on and then I promptly set myself in front of the tv to see which lady Brad was going to send home. I did not agree with his choice, but he didn't ask my opinion.

On an even better note, I learned something about my husband yesterday. You see, I am doing a Bible study right now about learning to be your spouses help meet. The chapter for yesterday was learning what type of man your husband is. Mr. Command, Mr. ?? ( I can't remember his name, imagine that) and Mr. Steady. My husband is Mr. Steady. Explaining many things in our relationship both good and bad. See Mr. Steady likes to not rush into decisions. He likes to think about, take his time, and get back to you later. This is sooooo my husband. Which drives me insane. I am very impulsive, let's make a decision, so we can get on with things. Not always the best decision. Which is exactly why God put us together. So Cory can have a level head and not jump into things with out thinking about them. Thank goodness because we would be in a lot of trouble if we both made impulse decisions. Anyway back to my point. The chapter talks about learning what type of man your husband is and understanding that you need to help him and not go against or try to change the man that God made him to be. Instead of being impatient with him when he's trying to make a decision I need to be patient and understand that he is only trying to make the best decision for our family. Even if it does take him two weeks to make up his mind.

Another characteristic of Mr. Steady is that he does not expect you to be his servant, does not understand your unhappiness, and wants to please you. May I say, these are all Cory exactly. He tries to please me all the time. Now it's not a dopey, follow me around, puppy love thing. Which in fact makes me feel bad. And I even hate to admit this because I don't want people to think I am being selfish. Since Cory has been home with me every night he has been more involved with cooking dinner. I know most of you would say, geeze wish my husband would help with dinner. But remember I don't have kids at home, I'm not in school, and pretty much have nothing to do except go to work (and worry about if I'm pregnant or not) I would say "were having _______ for dinner" and my husband would say "well I was thinking we could have ______ for dinner". He has been cooking almost every night or at least helping me. Usually this would be wanted (like last year when I was in school and working and had no time to sleep, let alone cook) But now I just feel he is taking away from MY wifely duties. I'm the wife, I'm suppose to choose and cook dinner. Now that I have learned that Cory is Mr. Steady I realize that he is just trying to help me. Shame on my for feeling angry or annoyed with him for just wanting to help or for wanting to pick what HE eats for dinner. Good grief, reading it on the computer screen makes me seem so selfish. I need to be grateful for the amazing husband I have who does not boss me around, does not expect me to be his servant, but just wants to be helpful and for me to be happy. I need to be thankful for the help now because when he goes back to coaching he will not have the time to help me like he does now. Now I need to go ask for forgiveness for being so selfish.

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