Friday, June 1, 2012

Not a Newborn Anymore

My baby girl is not a newborn anymore. She is getting father and farther from being that small 8 pound newborn that came out of my tummy. Makes this momma so sad! Yesterday I decided it was time to move her from newborn clothes to 0-3 month clothes. She could still wear the newborn clothes but they were getting tight. I was basically cramming her in them. I am surprised she could still wear newborn clothes at 1 month old but it makes me sad to have to move her up to 0-3. Just means she is getting closer and closer to being a big girl. While I want her to grow and thrive, I am going to miss her little itty bitty baby stage. She will soon be out of newborn diapers and will really not be a newborn anymore. Technically she really isn't a newborn by the books. After 4 weeks they are no longer considered a newborn but I was pushing it as long as I could. Yesterday was the day.

She is 5 weeks old today. I can't believe it's been five weeks since we brought her home. Still seems like yesterday that we had her. I really wish I could slow time down. We love, love, love our little girl and are enjoying every minute of her, even when she's screaming her head off.

4 days old

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