Saturday, June 23, 2012

2 Months

When writing Morgan's 1 month post, I knew the next one would be here before I knew it. I was right! My baby girl is already 2 months old. I just wish time would slow down.

At 2 months Morgan:

weighs 12 pounds, 13 ounces and is 23 inches long. She is now wearing size 1 diapers. All her newborn clothes are put away and she is just wearing 0-3 months. Depending on the brand some of it is still a little too big. Carters 3 month clothing fits her pretty good. Since it is summer she pretty much stays in onesies. They are nice because they can be nightgowns and play clothes.

has started smiling a lot! She smiles when we talk to her and sometimes for no reason at all. She is ticklish but doesn't know to laugh or smile about it yet. She isn't really cooing yet, but I can tell she is trying to figure that out. She grunts all the time, especially when she is waking up and all through the night.

still loves to watch the fan and look outside. She loves bright lights and will watch the TV sometimes. Sometimes she could care less and other times she will break her neck to look at it.

is sleeping anywhere between 4 and 6 hours at night. We usually put her down, depending on whether her daytime schedule has gotten messed up, between 9:00 and 10:00. She sleeps till about 3:00 or so, nurses, goes back to sleep, and then wakes up at about 5:30 to nurse, back to sleep, and then up again between 7:30 and 8:30. Thankfully her sleeping is gradually get longer. Six hours is way better then three. Cory says she grunts all night long. I thought I wake up when she starts making noises but it must be when she is doing it consistently for a period of time. Cory says it's time to move her to her room but I am not ready. We are about to move so I told him that when we move I will move her out.

is starting to like bath time. She doesn't cry anymore during bath time or while I am getting her lotioned and dressed. I did make some changes, so that might be it. We were giving her a bath, feeding her and then putting her to bed. But she was screaming her head off the whole time, so I wondered if it was because she was hungry and ready to eat. So I moved it to the feeding before bedtime, right after I feed her. Seems to be working.

is still on a flexible schedule of nursing and playing for about an hour and then sleeping for two hours. The past week she has been being a little stinker. She use to go to sleep and stay asleep the whole two hours. Now she goes to sleep, wakes up about 2-5 minutes later, you have to put the paci back in her mouth, goes back to sleep and may wake up again another 2 or 3 times. Then she has only been sleeping for about an hour and wakes up. The problem with this is she wants to eat even though it's only been an hour or maybe two. And when she is hungry, you might as well forget it! It just messes up the whole schedule, lol! But we work with it and move on. I am hoping this moves on quickly.

takes a paci now!! She doesn't hold it in her mouth good, but us holding it in is better then her screaming all the time.  During the day for naps, she goes down with a paci, but at night she usually does not. If she is very hungry, she will only take a couple of sucks, but soon realizes there is nothing coming out and cries. If she can't find the paci or a boobie, she will suck on her hand. the whole thing!

has done a lot better with the crying. She did really well for about 2 weeks, but the past couple of days has been almost back to her colicky self. I think she is wanting to eat every 2 hours again so we are hoping that she is just going through a growth spurt.

has two birthmarks. I know that is really random but i thought I would mention it. One on the top, right side of her head and one on her left eyelid. The one on her eyelid is nicknamed a stork bite. Dr. Wright said it will probably go away. Sometimes you don't even notice it, but it gets really red when she gets mad.

is a little furnace. I think she is going to take after her daddy. Cory is very hot natured and I believe she will be too.

I can't believe she is already 2 months old! It feels like we have had her forever. but at the same time feels like we just brought her home. We love her more and more everyday and are so thankful for a precious little girl!!

7 1/2 weeks old

Daddy, Morgan and Abby
7 1/2 weeks old

8 wks old


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