Sunday, September 25, 2011

2 Months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 2 months

Size of Baby: size of a kideny bean

Gender: Do not know yet, but I'm hoping it's a girl. But
I will be happy with either. Cory is hoping for a boy.

Maternity Clothes: None yet. Haven't even noticed anything
getting tight yet.

Weight Gain: None, I am still losing weight.
Not a ton, just a couple pounds here and there. I know
it's because I am so busy with work and don't have time
to snack all day.

Movement: I do not feel anything yet. The past couple
of days my stomach has been twitching a bunch but no
baby movement yet.

Sleep: I have not been sleeping good at all. I get
up constantly to use the bathroom and have had a
couple of nights where I couldn't fall asleep.

Symptons: Chest tenderness and constipation. No
morning sickness so far. Praying it stays this way.

Cravings: I have always hated orange juice and
now I can't get enough of it. I also craved peanut butter
for a couple of weeks. I crave chocolate milk all the time.
 I love hummus and bought some before I found out I was pregnant.
Now just the thought of if makes me want to puke.

Best Moment of the Month: Getting to see the babies
heart beat! It was so amazing to see and know that
as small as it is right now, it's little heart is pumping away.

I go back to the Dr. October 12th. I am very excited to go
and to start feeling/looking pregnant in a good way.
I hope I am a cute preggers girls, instead of just fat.

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