Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1 Month Down..............

.........8 To Go

This is actually five weeks, but I had to
throw a one month photo in there. And
the date was actually September 2, 2011 but
we weren't posting anything or actually telling anyone
at this point.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 5 weeks

Size of Baby: About 1/17 inches, about the
size of the tip of a pen.

Gender: Don't know yet.

Maternity Clothes: No, but I am excited to be
able to wear some.

Weight Gain: I've actually lost 6 pounds. I think
it's because I'm so busy with work and don't have
time to snack all the time.  

Movement: Nope, just feels like I'm about
to cramp but never do.

Sleep: Good for now!

Symptons: Tender chest, major heart burn and I have
never had heart burn, and others that you don't want
to hear about.

Cravings: Nothing yet.

Best Moment of the Month: Seeing two lines
instead of one!! Best moment of my LIFE!!

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