Sunday, January 12, 2014

Morgan's Random Words

Morgan is learning new things everyday, and it always amazes me when she busts out with something new. I often think is that what she said, or how did she know that? It proves the point that they listen and pay attention more then we think. Little pictures!! (anybody know what that's from??)

Her vocabulary is growing and growing and although a lot of it only Cory and I understand, I know eventually she will be able to say things correctly.

Some new words or phrases she has learned in the past couple of weeks are;

tone: phone

it's coooooold: while putting her hands up in fists and shaking all over. So stinking cute!!

outide: outside

momma dadda, dadda momma, momma dadda, dadda momma. Not sure why she says this, but she will say it over and over. Funny!

um here: come here, while motioning her hands at you

shoos: which can mean either juice or shoes.

Abba: Abby

I no know or I not know: I don't know

mmm: please. Ya, she doesn't even try to say it. When I tell her to say please she does her head up and says mmm. Guess please it too hard.

momma: momma OR Grammy

One thing she been doing the past couple of days is sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I guess she is so use to hearing it on her talking Violet. That's the only thing I can think. I sing it to her, but not often enough for her to know the tune. None of it is understandable at all. The only reason I knew that was what she was singing was because she started babbling when it came on one day. Too funny!

I'm so glad she is starting to figure this talking thing out. There are some days when she gets so frustrated with us because we don't understand her and don't know what she wants. Sweet, sweet girl. Learning every day and I am so glad I get to watch it.

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