Wednesday, March 6, 2013

10 Months

Makes me wanna cry knowing we only have 2 months left before our baby girl is one year old! Where on earth did the time go! There are so many moments when I want to make time stand still and stay there forever!

At 10 months Morgan:

weighs 20 pounds. I don't know measurements because we did not go to the doctor this month.

wears mostly 9 month clothing and starting to wear some 12 month. Wears size three diapers and size 3 shoes.

can stand by herself very well. She can also bend or crouch down with out falling and get herself back up.

is walking!! She is getting better and better every day but still prefers to crawl.

usually takes 2 naps, one hour each. Sometimes she will take 3 naps depending on how early she got up in the morning. And sometimes she will sleep for 2 hours at a time. Her sleeping was crazy this month again. She was waking up anywhere between 12:00 and 2:00am  and then again from 4:00 to 6:00am. Recently she has started to sleep until 4:00 or 5:00. I am hoping she will get back into this routine. She always, no matter what time she gets up, goes back to sleep in the morning for at least another 2 hours.

will play in her crib and go to sleep by herself for naps most of the time. Sometimes she will cry for 5 or 10 minutes but usually she will just play until she falls asleep.

takes a bottle in the middle of the night and sometimes two. We are quickly approaching time to take the bottle away and I am dreading our nights.

knows how to drink from a straw and is very proud of herself when she does it. Most of the time she swallows the water but sometimes she lets it run out of her mouth.

has become a little picky when it comes to food.

LOVES to "rock"! We put her in the recliner and rock her back and forth. She loves it!! She thinks she is so big. She also loves to play on the couches. She will stand up, walk back and forth and just waller.

is now standing in her high chair AND will get on the tray if you let her! We have to really keep a good eye on her now because she will be standing in no time. She also slouches all the way down to where her booty is hanging off the chair. Little stinker! Trying to break these habits.

says momma, dada, hi, bye, and nanananana. She also waves hi and bye and waves to everyone who passes her by. She has known how to wave for a couple of months now but just in the past couple of weeks has started to wave to people to walk past her.

loves to kiss everything!! She will kiss you, the floor, the dog, her toys, the babies in her books, everything! She also learned how to blow kisses the past week.

can stack blocks 2 high, put the rings on the stacking toy, and has started to put the shapes into the shape sorter, or try to anyway. She knows they go in there but she's not sure how to get them in there. But I think it's pretty neat that she knows they go in there.

has started do a little more dancing then just doing her head side to side. Now she will bounce up and down and pump or wave her arms in the air.

Morgan's first Valentines Day
Playing with sissy
standing all by myself
Looking out the window
10 months old

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