Saturday, January 26, 2013

9 months

At 9 months old Morgan............

weighs 21 pounds. We go to the doctor in about 2 more weeks and I will have better measurements.

has learned how to clap the past 2 days. She was doing some kind of clap about 3 months ago where she clapped the one hand to the back of the other. We think she was "rolling" it up because I always did/do patty cake with her. But now she is really putting her hands together to clap. Super cute!

is starting to really laugh! Like the giggle turned into a big belly laugh! She just started this the past week or so. Again, SUPER cute! Melts my heart and makes me wanna cry!! She is very ticklish when she wants to be. She also thinks Abby is so funny.

has really started to eat "real" food. There still aren't many things she doesn't like, except real bananas and peaches. She has had avocado, strawberries, blueberries, re fried beans, corn, rice, zucchini, yellow squash, yogurt, crackers, sweet potatoes, baked potato, and on and on. If she sees you eating, she expects you to feed her off your plate. She has just now started to spit things out and let you know she is either done or does not like what you are feeding her. She would never do this in the past, she would just cry. We have been giving her strawberries and blueberries for a couple of weeks now and has loved them. All of a sudden she has decided she doesn't like them anymore. Crazy girl! She can also feed herself with her hands. We haven't tried a spoon yet, but I think she is still too young for this.

likes to share her food with Abby. She loves to drop food in the floor and watch Abby eat it. She also drops her cup when she is finished drinking from it. We are trying to break her from this but we've still got a ways to go.

continues to "talk" all the time. She says dadadada, momomoma, gagagaga, and other crazy noises.

will wave hello and bye-bye now. In the past she would just wave hello, but we've been working on the goodbye part.

has started to crouch down on her feet instead of sitting on her knees.

loves music and will "dance" when she hears it. She loves the music to Mickey Mouse Playhouse, Barney, and Sesame Street. She's not really interested in the actual show but more the music. Which is fine with me. I'm not crazy about her watching a lot of TV anyway.

is still not crazy about people she doesn't know. She doesn't usually cry unless they pick her up, but when some random person talks to her she just looks at them like they are crazy and lays head down on my shoulder. Course it would probably help if people wouldn't get in her face and act crazy. I'm not real sure why people don't understand why a baby cries when you are in their face acting crazy and they have no idea who you are. They might not be so cautious if people would calm down.

loves shoes! Not to wear them, to eat them! It probably doesn't help that we don't put shoes on her very often. She just kicks them off and she is usually at home so I don't see the need.

has been waking up at either 2:30ish or 4:30ish in the middle of the night to take a bottle. I have noticed that the time she wakes up in the middle of the night depends on how many naps she gets. If she only gets two she will wake up at 2:30ish, but if she gets 3 she will wake up between 4:00 and 5:00. Some days she does great with taking a nap, other days, not so much. Sometimes she will play in her crib and not cry and other times she will scream her head off. The kid HATES to sleep! Absolutely hates it. poor girl!

continues to refuse to stand by herself. She can do it, but won't.

has never been to a daycare, or nursery. Yup, you read that right. She is 9 months old and has never been left in a nursery. When we go to church we keep her with us. I have always disliked parents that keep a screaming noisy baby in the service. She has never really been a problem. Usually it is her nap time and Cory will put her to sleep during the worship. There has only been a couple of times that she didn't go to sleep or didn't sleep very long. I have taken her out a couple times but it was usually towards the end of the service. I don't know why we haven't taken her to nursery, just haven't seen the need yet.

can walk along with her push toy and thinks it's hilarious to "run" over Abby. She is getting better and better at walking along the couch and switching from the couch to the coffee table.

is into everything! If you don't keep a close eye on her she will be gone in about 2 seconds or into something she shouldn't be.

hates to have her diaper changed or be held down. She wants to go go go and gets mad when you are changing her.

understands what no means but doesn't always listen. She has also said no no a couple of times but not recently.

knows how to knock of a tower of blocks.

loves to push things around; books, bumbo seat, toys, etc.

I can't believe we are going to have a one year old in 3 months! Where has the time gone!!

9 months old

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