Sunday, October 14, 2012

5 months old..................already!

(2 weeks late)

We are so in love with our little girl and can't imagine life with out her. She is amazing and her beautiful smile truly makes my day! I can't wait during the school day for it to be over so I can run home and see her sweet face!

At 5 months Morgan:

weighs 17 pounds. She has been really weird about eating here lately. We moved her up to 6 ounces. Sometimes she will eat the whole thing and sometimes she eats a couple of ounces and plays with the rest. I'm not sure why she is doing this. She still wants to eat every 3 hours and the past week or so wants to eat at 2 and a half hours. We just started feeding her fruit with cereal the past day or so.

loves to take baths! She chews on the wash cloths and loves to splash. I think it's her favorite part of our nightly routine. Her nightly routine is still eat baby food, take a bath, get lotioned and dressed, read a book, and take a bottle. It works so we keep doing it.

is still not sleeping very good. She has nights where she will sleep through but mostly wakes up at least once. I had her to where she would just stir and fuss a little and go back to sleep, but the past few days she has been wide awake, screaming her head off. I've really been praying hard that she will get back on her regular routine and sleep through the night. Ever since we moved to West Plains in August she hasn't slept well. But a lot of stuff changed. We moved, Cory and I went back to work, and my mom started watching her. It's been very difficult to get her back on track but I think we are finally getting there. Keeping my fingers crossed! She usually takes 2 one hour naps, and 1 thirty minute nap.

loves to blow bubbles, spit, click her tongue, and smack her lips. We blow bubbles at her and she usually does it back to us. She has even done this in the middle of the night when I am trying to get her back to sleep. It's a good thing she's cute!!

will be crawling anytime now I think! She is up on all fours all the time and can get around by scooting. She puts her arms forward and puts her knee forward but then lays down. We are definitely about to be in big trouble because she is going to be into everything!

can sit up with support. I usually sit her up and sit behind her but not touching her. I just sit there to catch her if she falls. She loves to sit up and see everything. She hates to lay down!

is fascinated with Abby. She loves to watch her and recognizes the sound of her tags jingling on her collar. If Abby is playing with her pig, going crazy, running around, Morgan will sit and watch her for a long time! She loves to try and "crawl" to her and grabs her anytime she can reach her. Morgan also tries to give Abby "kisses" and doesn't mind for her to lick her in her mouth, hands, feet or ears. Although we TRY to keep Abby from licking in the mouth or on the face.

has learned how to jump! She jumps in her jumperoo and jumps while you have her standing on your lap.

seems to know her name. When we call her name she looks at us so we are assuming she is learning that we are talking to her.

recognizes her bottle and tries to hold it. I think she will be doing this soon also.

doesn't talk much, and actually never really has. We know she can, and for a little bit she was babbling but for some reason she just doesn't do it. Every once in a while she will "talk" but it is few are far between.

still isn't laughing out loud. Sometimes when I tickle her I can her to squeal but that is about it. She smiles all the time, but doesn't laugh. Sometimes I think she forgets she knows how to do something.

is getting her hair back. It is growing in thicker and I think she is going to be red headed. She was born with red hair but I was too. When mine grew back it came in blond. Cory was blond also, so we just figured she would be too. Her last bit of newborn hair is just about out on the back of her head. It didn't fall out when the rest did and stayed thick and sweet. But sadly it is gone :(

20 weeks old
trying to crawl
5 months old

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