Sunday, May 27, 2012

First Week With Morgan

The first week home with Morgan was crazy. Thankfully my mom came and stayed with us for two weeks. She was so helpful and I am glad she was able to come. The first night home Morgan was awake every hour and a half. We were exhausted. That morning my mom took her for a couple of hours and Cory and I were able to get a little bit of rest. I'm not going to lie, that first week was awful. All she did was cry. My mom said she had never seen a baby cry like that before. We changed her diaper, we held her, we fed her, we laid her down, it didn't matter what we did, she cried. I wanted to cry. Thankfully the next week was a little better. She seemed to cry less and less and she was sleeping for about three hours with out waking up at night. That was way better then every hour and a half.

My mom (and Cory) did everything from give us a break with Morgan to making dinner. She was wonderful. We knew that if we didn't know what to do with Morgan, my mom probably did. It was so nice in the morning after a long night she would take Morgan and Cory and I could go lay back down and get a little bit of sleep.

Morgan did great with breast feeding from day one. She didn't have any problems latching on. The only problem was that I was so sore for about two and a half weeks. It hurt so bad at one point  I was in tears and almost gave it up. The only reason I didn't was because people kept telling me that the soreness would go away after a couple of days or a couple of weeks. I just kept thinking that I had to be almost there. Thankfully things healed up and was much better.

Most of our visitors came to the hospital. We had a few come to the house but not as many as I thought we would have. I wanted to show her off but it was kind of nice to not have a ton of interruptions. We did have some very sweet friends bring us dinner two nights which was very helpful.

Things have been tough and Morgan has good days and bad days but we love our little girl more and more everyday and we wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

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